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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Looks good to me! The less said about mine the better haha.
  2. Last one for today, the bottom wagon plate was aquired 1 1/2 year ago while the top one I received very recently. This one needs repainting because the white has been replicated using silver paint which is incorrect. Nelson
  3. Hello All, Here's my very first thing that I bought, I think it was either 4 or 5 years ago, as you can see, it's been cleaned and sand blasted but now just needs a coat of red oxide and then the black and white paint applied. More to come possibly later today or tomorrow, Nelson
  4. What a great start to the thread Wrenneire! Thanks, those look really nice indeed.
  5. Hello all! As the title suggests, does anyone here have any form of railwayana in their home or railway room? And would care to share with the rest of us? I have my own few NCC cast iron plates and I'll post some pictures up tomorrow but I was just wondering if other people have any gems either Irish or U.K. Nelson Edit: I know the "a" is missing from the title, any way to fix this?
  6. DO NOT use PVA for fixing liquid lead or metal BB's. over on RMweb there have been people who filled loco boilers with it and slowly overtime a chemical reaction happens and causes the glue to expand with great force. I would recommend using superglue, any £1 shop super glue would work for this job.
  7. Very good, that's interesting. Do you know where I can obtain some for the future?
  8. By the way what did you use for the windows? I can't figure out whether it's an etching or just glazing cut to the right shape and stuck to the outside.
  9. Fantastic! Love that.
  10. If you don't want to go through the hassle of buying all the stuff separate, then this is a good place to start. https://sylmasta.com/catalogue/product/sylmasta-casting-kit-01/#SID=6
  11. Hello Andy, do you know where I can find photos of your Arigna layout, I don't think I've ever seen it before, may be mistaken tho!.
  12. Even better! Brilliant looking forward to it.
  13. That looks fantastic, well done. Sorry if it has been mentioned before but what era are you planning to represent?
  14. The photo like the one on the previous page is perfect for us modellers, thanks for uploading.
  15. Just to update this, sadly Gismo's closed down last year.
  16. Not scrapped yet according to the website, http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/carriages/wagons.html
  17. Whitehead as far as I'm aware had 2 GNR Guinness wagons, I may be wrong but didn't they scrap one and salvage parts from it to retore the other in the future?
  18. Lovely work, I like your colour you've chosen for the UTA livery, happy new year!
  19. Merry Christmas to all, enjoy the holidays.
  20. Congratulations, I'm very proud for you guys to win the prize and I'm sure you are as well!
  21. My most recent work that has been done on the workbench was this commission which involved me having to re-letter/re-number, add details along with lamps, and figures to three Bachmann engines. I thoroughly enjoyed this because they are all freelance locomotives which allowed me to get creative and add my own touches to them. Because I had other projects on the go I thought I would be sensible to keep all of the screws somewhere safe and prevent them getting mixed up with other bits and bobs. So I did this. Here are the finished locomotives and I hope the owner is as pleased with them as I am. Nelson
  22. With the Cultra show fast approaching, I wasn't able to build my own NER P7 hoppers unfortunately, however I was relatively lucky to find this trio on eBay which I have tidied up, added a coal load and added metal wheels along with couplings. Nelson
  23. Hello everyone, Sorry for not updating this thread sooner but I have been kept busy and rarely find the time to write updates such as these ones. The first project I managed to complete was this Caledonian Railway wagon, which with the help from Londontram who is on another forum, I was able to accurately paint and letter it. Now it just needs a running number which Londontram has also helped me to source. So many thanks to him. I didn't follow the ratio method of fixing the bogies because I felt It need something a bit more free moving and reliable so I've used 8ba nuts and bolts. The result works very well. I added some real iron ore which helped to hide the metal weights below. Quite a random project but I had fun with it. Nelson
  24. Thanks for the reminder David, I had completely forgot about the show. Look forward to seeing you there.
  25. Rivet transfers as mentioned above are great if you need to do full rows of rivets, however if the rivets are placed irregulary then applying individual ones from evergreen strips are probably the best option.
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