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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Haha that was brilliant, people were also sending in pics of the measurement train taken months before haha.
  2. I also watched it however I strongly felt that the program should not have been live, it would be 10 times better if they in pre recorded clips and didn't rely on what was happening at the time. The presentation also felt a bit blunt and the scientific math stuff! What was that about!. Anyway the program advertised at the end looked extremely interesting.
  3. I love their new website Theres a pic of the U class which can be found under the gallery tab on their website, looks well built to me!
  4. Nothing major is going to happen, not for the first 2 years at least. David Cameron said that there is no immediate changes to the movement of people and goods coming in and out of the UK.
  5. Lovely work! That chassis etch looks very good as well.
  6. What a great find! Thank you very much, you can clearly see the GN letters right beside each other.
  7. That looks very good nicely done, for my version I am going to place the GN letters where you have the other writing and that will be good enough for me.
  8. Do you follow tested? I find them very good for keeping me updated on all the latest tech and modelling equipment, very good channel.
  9. Lovely models, great job!
  10. Model still for sale if anyone is concerned.
  11. Do you have any particular engine in mind Rialto or just generic chimneys?
  12. Lovely work Richard, very nice! Believe it or not i started the exact same project about 6 months ago however I only got half way and left it, I'll post photos if you want later on.
  13. Hello all, I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who come over and had a chat with us (there were a lot of you). The show itself was very good and I have to also say thanks to the first Bangor MRC for their superb support. I've uploaded some pics of the layout in layout thread here, http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3115-Durham-Railway?p=89744&viewfull=1#post89744 Here's to next year! Nelson Edit: with regards to my next project, It won't happen any time soon, so don't get too excited please haha.
  14. Hello all, Here's some photos of the layout at today's First Bangor MRC show, we decided to take the smaller version because it is far easier and more convenient for just the 2 of us. But the full length layout will hopefully be at the Cultra show later this year. The rolling stock today was following rule 1. So I do apologise in advance, but it is good to have a change and relax prototype rules some times. Enjoy the pics none the less, Thanks, Nelson
  15. No, it's because all funds from tickets go directly into supporting the church. And I can't see any trade stand doing that.
  16. Sorry the two pages are sideways, don't know how to fix that
  17. As Dhu Varren said, the paperwork doesn't show the engine being DCC compatible, so I guess that answers your question. However I've photographed the service sheet, if that's any help.
  18. Sorry, I don't know, however I will find out and get back to you. Another person is interested in the engine, however if they do not decide to go ahead, then I'll let you know.
  19. Price reduced to £40, trying to sell to fund next project.
  20. Brilliant work! Absolutely superb.
  21. Hello all, Here I have for sale one of my (un modified)Hornby 2P engine No 40610 in BR lettered and lined black livery. The detail is all present and not missing, paint application is perfect and not marked. This is the tender motorised version which runs superbly at fast and low speeds backwards and forwards while using a gaugemaster controller. The engine also has it's original and correct box complete with service sheet. If anyone is interested please comment below or send me a PM, I am looking £45 post free (UK and Ireland) for this. Payment by cheque only please in GBP. I've included some pictures below, however if you want more pictures of the engine, or a video of the engine running then please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks Nelson
  22. hello all, I came across this lovely gem of the spoil trains, quite excellent footage and very useful for modelling reference, enjoy! http://player.bfi.org.uk/film/watch-moving-motorways-the-spoil-train-to-belfast-1967/ Nelson
  23. Hello Eoin, Thanks for the pic that's the exact same one that I was looking at some time ago, how do you rate it? Worth the money? Thanks
  24. Looking good with the whitemetal, or pewter? Casting. How did you melt the metal, using one of the small modelling furnaces or an industrial one?
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