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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. I found that if you use round, square and rectangle pliers then you don't need to separate the staples and they stay together, I add a small dab of superglue behind them after shaping, just incase the glue on the staples wear out or split.
  2. Thanks guys ^^ The newest wagon out of the works is this BCDR open wagon which will be done in UTA PW colours. Nelson
  3. That shed looks awesome, nice job!
  4. A new video from me enjoy! [video=youtube_share;VLdn_R1biSY]
  5. No, no I mean like this [video=youtube_share;t99N223fqCo] you could also livestream it, so you can be sitting at home and checking out what's happening at an exhibition in another country in real time.
  6. It would be pretty awesome of you had a 360 camera on a Quadcopter and had it in the middle of the exhibition hall......
  7. JB, I'm unable to go now so cross my name off the list please.
  8. Thanks for the comments everyone ^ really appreciate them! I've finished the 2 wagons, one NCC and the other LMS, I had fun weathering the former and I also finished this airfix king tiger, some modification but overall a lovely kit to build (apart from the tracks) Thanks, Nelson
  9. Well, you can buy the body here: http://www.shapeways.com/product/322AX6GR7/4mm-scale-gnri-jt-tank-body-shell-16-5mm-gauge?li=search-results-1&optionId=8347275 and frames here: http://www.shapeways.com/product/UREBHFRZB/4mm-scale-gnri-jt-class-2-4-2-tank-chassis?li=search-results-1&optionId=7571758 But bear in mind the side tanks are plasticard overlays, the owner has explained how he gets such a good result but I can't find the post.
  10. I forgot to post pics of what my PG class currently looks like so here it is as it stands. Still a bit more to do, cab number, cab details and some tidy up, apologize for the poor picture quality, must be due to the low light. Nelson
  11. Hello everyone!!!!!!! Blimey! After 10 weeks of no modelling and a ton of exams, I'm now free.....until August but shhhhhh, we shan't worry about that now last exam was today and 6 hours after It I finished these 2 wagons, they are ratio LMS coal wagons, 2 wagons came with the box and I built them at the same time. It's my first ratio wagon kit surprisingly enough and they are excellent, I mean wow, so good to put together, no fuss what so ever so well done to ratio! I might get some more haha.i may do one in LMS NCC colours and the other in LNWR livery . It's so good to be back modelling again I have some projects planned for summer but it's mostly whatever I pick up next I will build. Nelson
  12. Such a lovely layout, nice one!
  13. I'll take 2 please! That's one awesome plane.
  14. I agree! Since when was €1 = £1 or vis versa? Funny enough me and a friend were talking about this the other day haha.
  15. Fantastic! Nice model
  16. May we remember all of them, during one of the hardest times in history, lest we forget!
  17. Very interesting audio, thanks for sharing Garfieldsghost, brave men they all were, thanks for sharing. Here's another one this time from a B17 crew being intercepted by Me262(s) scary stuff! [video=youtube_share;b4EASQJ0vJk]
  18. Chipboard top for us, haven't had any problems with it so far.
  19. They have some beautiful A4 models on thier website http://www.loveless.co.uk/ both O gauge and gauge 1 And anyone up for an O gauge blue Pullman? http://www.loveless.co.uk/pullman/
  20. Search on google for Jinty 3F sound chips and you should get your answer (sorry I don't know any manufactures off the top of my head)
  21. Thank you very much everyone for your kind words, ill pass all your comments onto dad, he's the one who made everything.
  22. Hello everyone, The layout had it's first outing this year last Friday/Saturday and it went very well indeed, The extension is now fully complete, and stands at just over 26ft in total, enjoy the pictures! Nelson
  23. Ouch! This is the first time I've heard of this.
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