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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Evening all, An update from me from the home turf, starting off with Heritage Week at Stradbally: Album link - ---- Even though it was wet, it was worth a visit! The Belmond luxury touring train started ghost running on the 23rd, with the 1420 Heuston - Cork. Album link - ---- Finally, an evening of shunting at Stradbally to arrange stock ready for P-Way work on Sunday Album link - https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/sets/72157673041667045 Regards, Kieran
  2. Evening all, The other three updates from me whilst I was in the UK. As always, click on any of the photos below to view them full size Starting off with a few shots from Wollaton Hall Industrial Museum, where relics of Nottingham Victoria station are Link - https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/albums/72157669555272214 ---- Next, a few Nottingham trams in Beeston whilst mainly bus spotting for the hour Link - ----- And finally, a selection of shots from a fruitful hour at Belper and passing by Toton depot Link - Regards, Kieran
  3. Steamers can be more depending on what is needed to do (eg a new boiler is a good £100,000-150,000 as it has to be specially made, tested, certified. I heard recently a quote of €800 per tube)
  4. It really does depend on what you need to do, but for example a new set of batteries (always required!) can be easily €5000-6000 (a set of Deltic batteries costs £6000 in total). Some restorations in the UK have cost upwards of £300,000. The only one I really know about is the Deltic Preservation Society's refurbishment of 55015 Tulyar, which has been a complete rebuild from frames up, with new sheeting and bogies. The air tank overhaul alone cost £3,474. Grease for the suspension, 100kg, was £480. A new set of bogies was an eye-watering £150,000!
  5. Morning all, I've been away in Nottingham for the past two weeks away from editing software, so just catching up on things. To start with, some late evening shots from Nottingham station whilst waiting for a friend to arrive in. Click on any of the photos below to view them full size with descriptons Album link - Regards, Kieran
  6. Morning all, A few shots from around the Dublin area on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (24-26/7/16) that I've just got around to uploading. I was mainly there for the Bray Airshow but also managed a bit of gricing in between. Click on any of the photos below to view them all Album link - ----- A few photos from Stradbally, where two of the three new diesels moved up from the Old Shed to the New Shed for basic servicing in preparation of a full refurbishment on Thursday 28/7/16 Album link - ----- And finally, shots of a pristine 224 on the 1100 Heuston - Cork / 1420 Cork - Heuston on Friday, 29th July Album link - Regards, Kieran
  7. Will the Belmond model have a little guard hanging out of the EGV? Great work!
  8. An 071. Not sure which one (084 possibly, as I haven't seen a photo of it out recently and it still works) Thanks Noel. Hadn't noticed it before
  9. Evening all, As mentioned above, the RPSI moved their diesels from Inchicore to Connolly today in two moves. Click on the photos below to view them full size Album link - Quick question - why does 175 have that coupling on her? Regards, Kieran
  10. Evening all, Today the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland transferred their 3 'Baby GM' locos from Inchicore Works (where they have been stored since 2009/2010) to their shed in Connolly station. The day certaintly wasn't straight forward! Originally going to be one transfer, a last minute fault prevented this from happening and the transfer was cancelled. Luckily I bumped into another gricer who had heard the transfer was back on! Photos from the day can be seen below, with the normal railway running around as well. Click on any of the photos below to view them all Album link - Regards, Kieran
  11. Having checked some photos, 7 out of the 8 have "CLRR" on the axleboxes. The other one doesn't have anything on it
  12. Bloody hell - I oiled them and did the pre-service exam on them on Sunday and can't remember what the axleboxes say! Been under it and can say some of the brake hangers are still there As far as I am aware the basic chassis and bogies is from 7L, the Cavan and Leitrim coach. The body is actually a Stradbally production, having been the bus body from 1953-1972 (1959-1972 in Bórd na Móna service)
  13. Morning all, A few shots from Stradbally on Sunday, where (with the help of the WW2 Re-Enactment Club) we staged a 'War' day with various uniforms and weapons on display. We ran with steam loco LM44 all day and another first was done - the carriages entering the pit road in the shed for an exam. Ablum link - Regards, Kieran
  14. If you need any detail photos of the couplings at Stradbally (of all types) give me a shout via PM as I have got them all (I think!)
  15. Last I heard it was luxury coach from Coleraine to the Giant's Causeway and Bushmills. Of little interest until they are approved for NIR running
  16. Currently only one loco (spare would be the standby loco at Heuston/Cork/Connolly/Belfast). Rumours going around that it is late, not got RSC approval and won't operate to Northern Ireland this year. Although 216 is fitted with at least the mounting for the Enterprise DMI
  17. Wrenneire - Yep, into the paintshop next week as far as I know for painting into the same colours as the Mark 3's ---- Evening all, A triple update from me tonight as I have been rather lacking in posting here! The first one is from Stradbally, featuring a number of unusual moves for line clearance and vegitation clearance along the line. Plus the chance to get underneath LM44 / Number 2 and getting a few photos Album link - Back in the land of heavy rail, a quick trip to get the Spray Train returning to Portlaoise Album link - And finally for the moment, yesterday's antics waiting for the Spray Train to head out of Portlaoise, which it did 150 minutes late! Album link - Regards, Kieran
  18. Overall, 1200 Heuston - Cork arrived at Cork +50 minutes. 1300 Heuston - Cork arrived at Cork +5. 1520 Cork - Heuston (next booked working of the 1200 set) departed Cork +20
  19. I'm afraid I know little of what's happening on that side of things (being handled by two others volunteers), but do know some of the operational side, which hsould be different!
  20. It should indeed be a good day - all being well I should be there as well
  21. I don't think the staff are recruited yet - make sure the 'Business name' is Belmond Grand Hibernian, and a list for the following comes up: Steward/Stewardess Housekeeping Supervisor Travelling Technican Food and Beverage Supervisor https://www.belmondcareers.com/career_list.asp Although interviews were supposed to be mid-May and contracts for June 2016-October 2016. So they may have been filled, but would of expected the jobs to have gone from the website!
  22. Morning all, A few shots from yesterday's double excitement In the afternoon there was 216 in the unfinished Belomnd livery (the green is an undercoat to protect the bodywork whilst trials are going on). Having missed it by 5 minutes on Thursday, I was there in plenty of time for it on Monday! In the evening there was the 2045 North Wall - Ballina 27 wagon (54TEU) liner trial (as seen above). It was a great sight to see and hopefully will continue, even though it is likely to result in less liner photos overall! Album link with video - Regards, Kieran
  23. Heard The Flying Snot as well
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