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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Conor you don't need to take the body of a fine pair of tweezers and just pop the ladder into its holes
  2. Good point there Broithe alot of the time from a painters point of view you look at layouts rolling stock and generally things on club layouts to see how other guys have painted/weathered etc etc. I loved the MRSI's Loughrea layout and please don't grab the wrong end of the stick here but there were a few things that let it down for me personally and that was some of the paint work on the locos and rolling stock would need to be repainted. I know that the loco's/rolling stock are quite old but it needs repainted and revamped to a higher standard for such a beautiful layout as its letting it down, also it looks like all the cows standing on the cattle platform are clones of one and other as each one is exactly the same a little time with a brush and some black and white paint would just add that extra bit of detail to an already beautifully detailed layout. Before some of the MRSI members hand me a blindfold and tell me to stand beside that wall over there I wasn't the only one to notice these issues as it was quite a strong conversation point going on from other modellers at the show.
  3. Your best bet would be to get in contact with Warbonnet (Fran) I would say he would be your man for helping you write out instructions. I know he offered Weshty help with instructions. BTW 180/230 gsm card what is this and where can we get it. As soon as you get all sorted let me know I'll definitely take one of you Richie. Any other buildings in the pipe line that might be of interest to those of us building a layout.
  4. Right so it's looking like a small bit of weathering then. I hopefully will get round to it later in the week and I will post some pics up on my workbench for you guys
  5. Yes Rich I understand but you got to remember that she is probably one of the busiest working steam locos in the UK at present. I want to portray her as she is in real life. Not filthy but in a preserved working condition. One big let down with the model is the coal in the tender it looks nothing like coal. So that's one thing that will be addressed with real coal
  6. There is nothing wrong with your eyes mate when you can see that I even missed that oneROFL
  7. Their looking great Conor it nice to see they made their journey across the Atlantic safely. I don't know if you have noticed yet but the ladder on the side of 192 needs placed in the hole as its bending under the pressure. How is the layout coming along more pics please:)
  8. Rich I don't think they have any plans to change it
  9. WOW!! a very nice piece of kit
  10. Will do boss
  11. Richie great work would you consider doing the building as a kit for some of us
  12. Coming along nicely
  13. Ok so thats 2 for a very light weathering and Fran still can't get over the shock
  14. Keeping in scale with the picture:) Its the artist in me:rolleyes:
  15. I went to the Bangor Show on Saturday and thanks to Warbonnet and A4 Mallard injecting me with the British steam Bug I was going to buy Tornado. A bit unsure I left without buying one as I just prefer my Irish stock but after sleeping on it I changed my mind. Now the question is do I weather it or not. This one I'm trowing out there to you guys. If you decide yes she will be lightly weathered not filthy. Fran at this stage is having his second heart attack=)) but its up to you. You decide remember very lightly weathered I promise Hopefully next on my list will be Hornby's The Flying Scotsman hHcwsb1HH10%3D
  16. What can I say the picture says it all. Thanks to Gareth for letting me take the photos
  17. I would love a 22000
  18. There's no such thing Fran as pristine the only time something is pristine is the second it leaves the paint shop. Run it a mile down the track and I guarantee you will find dirt somewhere it could even be something as simple as bird poo. Studying that great video you posted I can already see smoke stains around the chimney and smoke stains blowing back on to the top of the boiler and the front of the cab. I would say if you were standing right next to Tornado at the end of that video she would be far from pristine. I will post some pics and a video up of the new edition to the fleet
  19. Noel your about to get your eyes open when you get your DCC up and running
  20. Any pics of the roco coupler
  21. Des do we put our order and payment in now or wait till you give us the go ahead
  22. That's true
  23. I can see a trip to Waterford in the future Rich. A big bus load of us
  24. It would be great though... 220 or 203 and some mk2s or mk3s I know where you are coming from but if what's already out there ain't selling there ain't going to be any produced until it does. You only had to look at the amount of Irish stock at the show.
  25. I remember that engine room floor was very slippy
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