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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Wiggy don't worry about playing about with the CV's as if it all goes wrong as Irishrailwayman says just program CV8 to the value of 8 and the decoder will be reset to the factory settings. With the Zimo and Loksound you can get some very realistic pulling away and stopping if you play about with CV3 and CV4
  2. Be careful Stephen, Rich might be looking you to play with his set up after Dave has finished playing with it
  3. Kirley wiring the electro frogs is very straight forward. But as Boskonay says you will need a reverse loop module for section B I'm not to sure but you may need 2 one for each track. Might be best to give Fiona a call at DCC Supplies and email the diagram of section B over to her.
  4. She has been around for a while now Eamonn there a few pictures knocking around the internet.
  5. Interesting thought that Garfield:confused:
  6. Level 4 the garden
  7. It will be even hander if I can get a job there:rolleyes:
  8. As you can see the area is twice as big as the the rest of the industrial estate
  9. The Tesco extra is already well under way its on the Belfast road in the town just after the Court house on the site of an old petrol station. The new place where Stobart is supposed to be going is in Carnbane Ind Est beside Surefreight. Lagan Construction is building it my Missus is a former employee of them was tlking to one of the guys working there and he was telling her that it is Stobart they are building it for. Only time will tell.
  10. Noel most of them are Oxford but I do have a few Corgi. The Stobart MAN TGX says Oxford but I got it shipped in from China so I think it could be a knock off but it looks great and I haven't seen one for sale anywhere else. The DAF container ridget and drag in the first 2 pics is one that I cut up and made from the original Oxford model. I have also fitted Super single steering wheels to some of the trucks check out the first 2 axles on the Donnelly and Ellis low loader it makes them look more realistic as the standard wheels that Oxford fit would not be seen on real life heavy haulers and a lot of reefer units.
  11. Level one is storage I have about 10 full length sidings so I can store full trains and call them up when I want them. Level one is 18" of floor level the trains then come up the lower helix (helix 1) and enter level 2 at the signal box you all see in the photos and videos of my layout. Level 2 is best described as a square figure of 8 it is 16' x12' and is designed as double main line running with a passing loop for the slower trains to wait in. It is all country side as that is what I like to see model trains running through the country side it's the level you guys are most familiar with as this is where all my photos and videos are done. Level 2 is just over 3 foot of the ground and was designed just as a main line that you can leave a couple of trains running on and forget about them while you shunt etc on level 3. Level 3 is the upper level at eye level its just over 5' from the floor and is built to suit me (height wise) as I am over 6' tall so its at just lower than eye level for me. Level 3 is accessed from level 2 by the upper helix (helix 2) both helix on the layout are single road and sit one on top of the other they will not be seen when all is finished. Level 3 will be a single line running around the room (like a lot of Irish lines) it will be 16x12 and will have my little Irish Station (Ballykay) a working turntable, engine shed and a couple of sidings. It will also have a full build of the village of Avoca in county Wicklow which stared in Ballykissangle and is currently under construction with Glenderg. Level 3 is currently under construction the helix has been installed and 80% of the base boards are in. The station will be on a 16' section but what I have to decide is my platform length. I can run full length trains for example a full length of Mk3's is 8 but 7 looks better running around my layout. So do I make the platform to take 7 Mk3's or do I make the platform shorter and have an over hang. Any help here guys do all lager Country stations in Ireland take a full length train do I need to make the platform the same lenthe as my longest passenger train. As the build progresses I will post up more pictures/videos for you guys stay tuned:-bd
  12. Dave get them of the gate and up on Ebay quick
  13. A small selection of some of the trucks down in Ballykay
  14. The weekend is usually the only time I get to spend working on my layout so here is last weekends progress a little factory scene and the continuation of my canal. The factory is a cardboard model and the cobbles are Wills sheets. Foam was used for making the rock face
  15. Rich unfortunately I am far to busy to be doing video's of how to weather a loco etc. There are plenty of free videos on the subject on You Tube or you can buy them on the likes of Ebay. That's how I learnt. Now back on subject as I'm loving Islandbridgejct's tutorial so much on how to build track that I don't want to hijack it by talking of videos.
  16. Finally after all the talk over the years of 21mm track its great to see someone actually showing us how they go about building it, and taking us through a step by step guide I'm really enjoying reading this thread but I don't think I would be converted as it's a lot of work and as John Mayner said in another thread it would take for ever to build a large layout. As I said I'm really enjoying this thread and looking forward to the next instalment keep up the good work
  17. I didn't think a sign would be worth that much
  18. Your right Rich I'm not that way inclined and I don't think you would be fit to handle it, it needs a sensitive touch
  19. Watch out mate I think Rich might want to come up and play with your set up also. Your wife will hit the roof BTW why are you making bombs for Heirflick=))
  20. I know mate its killing me Not sure about Stobart Ireland but in the UK they have a cleaning crew that travel around power hosing the trucks while they are waiting to load at the bigger depots. Its very hard to see a really dirty truck.
  21. I have the Stobart low loader will post some pics of the fleet for you. Try Hattons for the low loader that's where I got mine. Lagan Construction is doing the work on the Stobart/Tesco yard and that's the talk around town. The place is huge. The funny thing is that their new neighbour is no other that Surefreight
  22. Looking great as usual mate:-bd
  23. If I could have a driving job with Stobart I'd be there in the morning. Rumour has it they have started to build a massive depot in Newry just of the by pass along with Tesco. You can see the massive earth moving going on just to the North of the city going North bound its on your right hand side. I have a few Oxford Stobarts in my collection including a rare MAN TGX. Only thing is I can't weather them as Stobarts are always clean.
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