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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. No problem will sort that out for you
  2. We will be looking forward to it Weshty
  3. You just love 220 mate Will try and get something sorted tonight for you. Do you want the Mk3 push pulls or a full rake of 8 or both
  4. Thanks for the great comments guys. I got a new video camera for my birthday and I'm still trying to work out what half the buttons are for:confused: but I will do a few more videos for you guys. Any one want to see anything in particular from my fleet.
  5. I hope you had a hat on your little bald head Bro
  6. Weshty I have been talking to Hiddenagenda and we would both be delighted for you to use the photos
  7. No problem Bro glad you like it
  8. OFFICE I didn't know you had an office. Someone's going places
  9. In the words of Highlander (THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE) 071
  10. Hiddenaggenda called down to see me today and show me his nice clean break van. Well it was clean when he arrived but some how got dirty running around my layout:cool:. Also my Hornby 08 repainted to D301. ENJOY Irish Model Railway Resprays Making Your Models Look Realistic
  11. Turn the sound right up Irish Model Railway Resprays Making Your Models Look Realistic
  12. Irish Model Railway Resprays Making Your Models Look Realistic
  13. 181,Bo Bo Sulzer and D301 down on Ballykay today [video=youtube;-unVO99QGA0] Irish Model Railway Resprays Making Your Models Look Realistic
  14. That not weathered Bro its to clean Looks good though on the back of that big Scania
  15. Very tasty and welcome to the site
  16. Have a look at this it maybe of some help http://www.nmrailrunners.org/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/dccshortcutscard.pdf
  17. You need to adjust CV2 for you start voltage. When you go to notch 1 on the controller the loco should just move at a crawl it sounds to me that you have to high a setting on CV2 try giving it a value of 0 or 1 and see what happens. If the loco does not move then increase the value by one keep doing this until the loco starts to move at a very slow crawl. As for top voltage I very rarely bother with this as I just keep notching up until I get the speed I want. Your top speed voltage is controlled by CV5. The lights on the 201's ain't the problem its the circuit board there ain't much you can do about this its a pain it the backside I have 10 x 201's and there are all different when it comes to the lights. The one that I fitted the TCS 21 pin decoder to and made adjustments to the circuit board works great the only other one that works is 210 with the sound decoder fitted. I spent an hour one day fitting and testing the sound decoder to all my other 201's to see if the lights were working on them and only 222 did everything it was supposed to do.
  18. Yes its the same here
  19. You seen my 2 A Classes the last time you were up and they are both running on class 55 chassis
  20. Do not fear about the chassis Bud check this out and its DCC ready LINK http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/359-Hornby-Railroad-range-performance
  21. No mate the black EWS 73 is straight out of the box I ain't cutting her up for her chassis that one is for my UK collection the blue one still in its box is for a donor chassis.
  22. Ok Fran here we go if this don't impress you bar short of putting a rope around the house and pulling that I don't know. BTW my MIR cement bubbles have lead shot in them for ballast and as any of the guys that have been down to my layout will tell you they are heavy. I also put on 8 x 45' MIR container wagons for good measure BTW check out the second video with the Vitrains class 47 on the same rake. It could not pull snow of a rope. A nice model but a bit disappointing regarding performance and a very slow top speed and I don't run my trains fast. Also the LED lighting is very bad What more can I say mate the videos speak for themselves
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