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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Not bad at all Tim, thought they would look really out of place but they don't
  2. Are you looking for photographs for modelling purposes, or an understanding of how signalling works??
  3. All these Aliases, tis like a Dating site!!
  4. I have that bus already, thanks anyway.
  5. 1:76 Kevin
  6. Just to clear up its €60 for the both of them
  7. 2 Dublin Bus for sale, both are missing drivers wing mirror ( the wife's handywork!) But are otherwise perfect, I don't seem to have the box off the 'bendybus' Double Decker is a Limited Edition Alexander ALX400 bodied Denis Trident, the other is Volvo Wright Artic (AW3) €60 for both plus postage or I'd consider an exchange for other Bus Eireann or IE models.
  8. I sent him a PM 2 weeks ago with an offer & my contact details, still hasn't acknowledged it.
  9. Looks class, weathered n all! , I love the Mark IV behind it, did you make that yourself?
  10. Is that a re-spray TTC? She looks darker than the models on sale and more realistic.Those Loco's just don't look right colour wise maybe they just need a bit of subtle weathering like yours, Beautiful finish!
  11. Thanks Dave, appreciate that
  12. My worry is as ye all know is that this is an expensive hobby & any mistakes can be very costly so I'd like to have all the information to hand before I'd attempt anything that can't be undone.i also have 2 toddlers running riot so it's very hard to watch & retain info on the Internet,I don't know does that make sense to anyone else but I find I can take a book anywhere & study it.it would only be a guide anyway.as to getting advise on forums, i agree lads here are fantastic & very helpful. I would always ask their advice before I'd start anything but I need to understand & have a picture in my head first before I'd ask.
  13. Can anyone recommend the best book that shows you all the tricks & tips on how to make a layout, like landscaping, scenery, track bedding etc... im also looking for one on how to do weathering aswell, I should state that im a complete novice so nothing too complicated please!!
  14. I second that!!!!
  15. Can I ask Kirley where do you get the trucks to carry the containers?, I've tried the usual places but no luck.
  16. I'm hoping mine do too!!
  17. How will they go together? Is it glue or do they slot together?
  18. The biggest compliment I can give you is its exactly the view I get from the Cab when driving over Waterstreet Bridge towards Myrtlehill Crossing, Stunning!!!
  19. Hide the invoice in mine or I'll be divorced!!!!!
  20. Tom, that's an understatement!!
  21. Not the real deal, great attempt though.
  22. It's surprising that nobody has brought out a Mark IV kit or RTR model yet, especially the Control Car. It would compliment the Murphy 201 models nicely.
  23. Ordered some there, just need the flats now to put them on!!!!
  24. Does anything come down in price these days!!! I'd better raid that fridge so!
  25. Better start my secret stash of cash again & hope the missus doesn't find out!!!
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