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Everything posted by jhb171achill

  1. Anything from 1955-65! Or, at a stretch, a "Jeep"........... Something STEAM!
  2. I believe that they make locos in batches, and once they're gone, they will wait till orders build up before doing another batch. Or something like that. This will sometimes mean that a particular model isn't immediately available by return. Anything that may not show will, I'm sure, be back soon - but probably best to email them.
  3. Wow! That's interesting to a "livery nerd" like me...... But it begs the question were these carriages which were later amended (window-wise) to fit these sets (but not repainted)? If so, that's ALSO something I was unaware of...... I'd be interested to see the pics. Thanks for the info!
  4. I'd be interested to see the pics. The control cars certainly never ran like that, as the "tippex" livery had arrived before they entered traffic. The older stock were air-con, so this would have meant two a/c coaches running within the set? Certainly a new one to me!
  5. THAT one looks more like most Irish ones. It seems to me that most (but not all) Irish ones had "plain" legs rather than the very "latticed" design on the Faller one. If no alternative can be found to buying that huge one, you can always imagine that CIE had decided some time in the 1970s to build one huge container yard to replace all the other goods yards and facilities all around Dublin.......gives an excuse for a freelance yard as big as you want it!
  6. Let's hope there isn't a similar rule for model railways......... I knew one enthusiast who saw his 103rd..........he's gone off to the "sunny uplands" now where the 12ins = 1ft scale "Woolwiches" he used to drive are everywhere.........
  7. Good thinking; yes, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled versions of this were commonplace on all passenger platforms from the late 1960s (replacing older platform barrows) to the 1980s.
  8. The Mk 2s will be locked off and unavailable to passengers. Yes, vacuum braked but corridor connections between the Mk 2s and the older stock (BR vans / Cravens / Laminates / Bredins / Park Royals) were impossible. The loco is a 141 in black'n'tan, so the pic must be taken circa 1973/4/5. Not before '72. The train is the through Dublin - Limerick, carrying mail too, and is composed of typical stock of the time (Mk 2s excepted). The genny van will be noted as being absolutely filthy. This was commonplace with these and with the various types of 4 and 6-wheeled "tin vans" - but passenger-carrying stock was always kept pretty clean except from memory on Cork - Cobh locals!
  9. Curious question: what is the origin of this bizarre British classification of goods stock? Was it wartime codes or something like that? (An ICR would have to be a "spider").
  10. Ah....the Festiniog! One of my favourite railways since a teenage summer job on a track gang there......... (Me, a teenager; now THAT was a while back).
  11. Nearer the time, Aldergrove, contact the DCDR's Chairman, Robert Gardiner, who is always very helpful to serious enquiries. Naturally, at the moment the place is out of bounds due to covid.
  12. That's the former NCC one, now preserved as a static exhibit at the Downpatrick & Co. Down Railway. The livery is NIR maroon with quite a few black bits too. Chassis black. Crane and match trucks maroon bodies. Nowadays, maintenance stuff is all yellow for high visibility. This was not the case in the past; most breakdown cranes were black or grey or both. The UTA inherited this one above, plus a GNR one. The GNR one got a red repaint in UTA times, but the above NCC one remained black. The GNR one was withdrawn in the late 1960s and went to Whitehead, still with badly faded red paint and UTA crest. It remains there. In GNR times, I believe it was plain black and grey. GSWR / GSR / CIE steam cranes were always wagon grey. The NCC one above received a coat of NIR maroon, plus the NIR logo, around 1970 or thereabouts. The yellow ones seen in the 1990s at Inchicore were second hand British Rail cranes, which actually ended up seeing very little use indeed. The GNR one is now at Whitehead; available to measure and photograph by arrangement once the Covid-Pox has passed, I am sure.
  13. Can't make it out exactly, but is that R N Clements below the "G" of "Sligo"? Counting the photographer, just 19 people - bound to have been more. I suspect Cyril Fry was also among them, and the Murrays of the IRRS, perhaps! Jimmy, you'll have to get the hang of posting them the right way up - took me a while, but if I can, anyone can! :-) Interesting wagon on the left - is it an NCC one? I suspect its one of the LMS vans brought over by the NCC when a good lot of their stock was converted into splinters by German bombs in Belfast. One of our weathering experts here would have a field day modelling the GN van on the right; it hasn't had a proper coat of paint since it was built, by the look of it - and indeed, this was not at all uncommon then.
  14. A well-brought-up child! Here's hoping that he will get many, many decades of pleasure out of the hobby. When he's the age of some of us, he'll be modelling a preservation society with an "old ICR" in it, and telling his grandchildren that yes, he remembers actual diesel trains, and locomotives, just as an ever-decreasing number of US recall STEAM in use! Well done, Jack_Dunboyne!
  15. That's correct. Surveys were done by the NCC. Re the map above, now we see it - as Galteemore says, it was PART downloaded; they've still left out Castlederg, but we'll let them away with that just this once! My comment about government policy is therefore not applicable to this map - though it was, sadly, in general!
  16. I think I saw Sam Carse, James Boyd and Cyril Fry taking pics too - the latter two being kept well away from each other by the former! If jhb171Senior was watching, he'd watch the train go past, have a flask of tea in his car, and go home.... without bringing his camera! SUPERB scenes, John.
  17. Amazingly realistic weathering on the loco....
  18. This map is plain and simply preposterous. South of Omagh, it does not show the line down to Enniskillen, or from there either to Sligo or Clones. It does not show the Ulster Railway west of Armagh. It does not show Bundoran Junction nor the line branching off towards Bundoran; NO railways in Fermanagh are shown at all!These lines all closed in 1957. I haven't even included mentioning the short bit of the LLSR from Pennyburn. The fact that it was finally closed in 1953 doesn't seem relevant, if the Cushendall narrow gauge is still shown! What it DOES show, is sections of the NCC narrow gauge which closed in the 1930s, plus a NON-EXISTENT line from somewhere about Richill, by the look of it, to somewhere about Goraghwood; if this is intended to show the erstwhile Goraghwood to Armagh line, (a) it's WAY off the mark, and (b) it, too, closed in part in the 1930s, and the remaining bit had no passenger service from the 1930s. Now, if we look at the source of this map, and the times within which it was produced, old Stormont government propaganda is all over it. See the missing bits? They omit five lines which crossed the border, and both the Derry - Strabane routes are shown as being within the north; only one was - the main GNR line having another two border crossings between Strabane and Derry. In short, it is so ridden with inaccuracies as to be completely misleading in one sense, and useless in another. Thus, while it may surprise some to know how comprehensive the rail network once was within the area shown, there was in fact MORE mileage than the map shows above. To be fair, there's no way under the sun that the majority of it would have survived, even in an environment where, say, you had a rigidly pro-rail pattern of government from 1940 to 2021; nor in a situation with no border - be it a "united Ireland" under Dublin, London or Brussels rule. The fact remains, that lines line the CVR, the C&VBT, the Derry Central, and many others would not have survived today. But it is probable that SOME would; notably the "Derry Road", some more of the BCDR, Portadown to Armagh, and possibly Dundalk - Enniskillen. We will recall the late Glover's excellent layout based on the western part of the GNR had it survived the massive closures in 1957. Take that to today; an ICR meeting a CAF4K in Enniskillen, anyone? (though the goods yard would be the graffiti-covered back wall of a Tesco car park...........!) I saw that programme on TV some time back - some great views of trains!
  19. All of that stuff above, and all those layouts, are just staggeringly brilliant; masterpiece from the Master! Keep it coming! Superb stuff.
  20. At Slaght, the young lady driving stalled on the crossing just as a down Derry train was approaching. As she tried to re-start her car, tragically the railcar hit it full force, actually breaking it in two. The driver was tragically killed, but toddler(s) in the back seat had a miraculous escape due to the front of the car taking the main impact, and the fact that the children were securely strapped into child seats. I can't remember whether it was one child or two, but I seem to recall a report of a baby being unscathed. Horrible, truly ghastly tragedy; a friend of mine knew the train driver who was understandably traumatised.
  21. "Supertrain" with the AECs, yes, but not the Mk 3.
  22. That I didn't know; I was thinking more of "Howth - Bray"..... Interesting! Thanks!
  23. "Rule No. 1" always applies! Rule No. 1.: It's YOUR layout! A narrow gauge line I had put together in the 1980s broke "accuracy" rules on a whole range of levels, from realistic track layouts to liveries to gauges........but I liked it! And those of us who had layouts in the early '70s will remember painting a Hornby Mk. 1 in orange and black, and having it hauled by a BR-liveried Class 31......... so in "Irishthumpland", the "supertrain" livery lasted until 1999!
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