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Everything posted by jhb171achill

  1. Absolute utter mess, presided over by the NTA - who, if murmerings from those in the know are to be believed, are as anti-rail as the 19450s UTA. UTA / NTA. One also hears that the car parking and provate bus lobby don't want any railways anywhere near any airport; an unfortunate relation to the idea of Dublin Port wanting all trains well away from the place. Can we EVER get ANYTHING right? In China, this would be built in a week, with CPOs slapped on every carpark in the way.
  2. Lovely old flat-sided Belfast & Northern Counties six-wheeler in the middle there!
  3. Looks superb. This should be a very interesting project. Within which period are you setting it, or will it be a bit of everything?
  4. When my attic was planned out, I deliberately included a fiddle yard which all my total stock would occupy an hour two thirds of. Now it holds about half of what I have…..!
  5. Correct. The railways were actually finding it hard to recruit cleaners by then.
  6. Sad to see; and sad to say, THAT one WOULD be better put out of its misery. We can’t hang onto everything.
  7. Ah - should have explained - that’s a pic that Senior took somewhere else. It’s my own memories that were of green 47s, on the North Wales line.
  8. In all reality, that loco is a mess. Two have survived in better order - and, with a much better secure future. Both are owned by the ITG; one is operational at Downpatrock (in green livery) and another is in the later stages of restoration at the ITG's other case at Carrick-on-Suir. Any bogie swop with that yoke above will be for the benefit of one or other of those, which will both see good use on the DCDR. I'm afraid I would scrap the one above unless someone (yes, that famous "someone" again!) could be found to give it a lick of paint and stick it on a plinth somewhere.............(West Cork?)
  9. Very nice jobs indeed! The UTA roundels look to be the right size too - many iterations of these transfers in the past are clearly far too big. You mention the lining - this could be a challenge as some UTA models end up with what looks like yellow and red lining, or even white. I think this is because these are readily available, though I'm not sure. The correct UTA colour is a beige-straw-like colour and red, rather than yellow; the yellow and red lining was created in the 1990s specifically for RPSI Whitehead Mk 2s, with the deliberate aim of looking vaguely UTA-ish, but not actual UTA! (I know, myself and the then RPSI carriage officer had a hand in it!)
  10. This is looking like a very nice little set-up!
  11. Not just a "belief"; it's fact! The CDR never painted domes black on red locomotives. Like many another livery faux-pas, this is a product of a lack of accurate research at Whitehead; we've TWO of these things with black domes now.....! Mind you, not just the domes, but often the tops of the water tanks, the cab front and rear, and most of the boiler ended up caked with so much soot and general gunk that it might as well have been painted black - same with bright blue GNR locos. I'd say if someone painted 171's or 85's dome black, there would be war...... Many CIE green or grey engines, similarly, ended their days so filthy that they could have been painted lime green, tartan and flourescent pink for all anyone could see..... Rant over; to Ernie's latest pictures - absolutely SUPERB stuff. That's standard GNR 3rd class material of the day. The C&L coach 1L has what was then standard CIE 3rd / 2nd class.
  12. True, indeed. Maybe we should be scanning what British chassis might suit something Irish...........
  13. As 00 Works showed with their CBSCR 0.6.0ST, obscurity is quite possible! There can be few prototypes more obscure than these, but it sold out I believe. As for the first IRM one, and the foregoing being the case, it could be absolutely anything under the sun. Availability and suitability of the internal gubbins may have a big say in determining what it will be.
  14. Not even that - his “model” is a bluish grey colour!
  15. Great to see Brookhall again, and Kieran Lagan's and Alan's excellent BCDR locomotives. (Paddy - I was there on Saturday!)
  16. Great work by the IRRS in digitising this old early colour footage......
  17. I believe there’s a whole array of bustitutions planned.
  18. Time for a “last fling” into Uncentral Station soon, methinks!
  19. IRM - will it be possible to get these singly?
  20. They did use a somewhat darker red initially - not a great deal darker, but a bit. A cherry red rather than British letter box red. The early railcars were a very dark purply-plum colour, later repainted red and cream, but this yoke was red and cream from new., as was its sister.
  21. There's a pencilled date of that on the underneath, but I am unsure if Fry wrote that or not. Generall he put his dates as painted-on "makers plates", with something like "C L F 11.42" on them ("11.42" meaning, for example, November 1942). Naturally, these cars didn't have such plates, of course, so the above is not an exact science!
  22. I’ll actually have a look at the model today to check what year he made it, out of interest.
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