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Everything posted by jhb171achill

  1. Words of wisdom indeed. I am spending this evening trawling Murphaph's suggested German website for researching prices and range of various bits and pieces. Now. A RTR GSWR bogie coach, anyone? I need a couple to splice in with Park Royals, Bredins and Cravens behind a 121.......
  2. I may know people........ but then again, I may not!
  3. OK, now the butterflies have gone away, a few questions. 1. Will the fact that the north will in some ways effectively remain within the EU trading bloc ha e any effect on deliveries from Britain to the north or will this be treated as a domestic UK issue in its entirety? Those of us with a relative in the north might, presumably, be able to have stuff delivered there? 2. For those of us living in the south, are there are suppliers in mainland Europe from which we can buy certain items to save money by avoiding either transit through the UK, or not buying from places IN the UK?
  4. AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! OK, it's official. I am now certifiably SENILE. Please help me fill in the forms. It's 00:46 and it's time I went to bed, but the butterflies flying round the room won't let me, and the Sweetie Mice are singing too loudly. And there's a Thing outside the window.
  5. BRUTAL things to travel in! Worse than "tin vans" at anything over 25mph!
  6. Was browsing, as I do over a mug'o'tea most nights, and came across this. "Export" tax of almost the full value of the item - presumably with a very fat postage charge on top of THAT? https://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=155 Is this for real? Is this what ALL brexit-based sellers will be looking for?
  7. Got a beauty in grey to support the RPSI, plus (yesterday) B125, both from Mark’s Models in Hawkins St., who are always an absolute pleasure to deal with. They are, as others have already observed, exquisite!
  8. Seems like a different world..... when I was RPSI treasurer for years, I paid all the bills by cheque, and wrote things like that out too.....(and diaried a note to ensure that the debtor coughed up!).....
  9. Personally, I’ve bought from Mark’s Models (as recently as yesterday) plus several “box-shifters” in England, plus private purchases, and fleabay in the past. While I have a massive preference for buying from local firms, especially now when they need all the help they can get, friendly, prompt and efficient service with timely deliveries and good back-up in case anything might go wrong, takes priority over price. Having said that, no matter how much I wanted something on fleabay, if the seller wanted some of the stupid prices occasionally seen, I would politely invite them to insert the item in themselves.......
  10. Oh, THAT one!! In that case, I'll be bringing my dredging equipment to Borris-in-Moneygall........
  11. Looking forward to seeing their 6-wheelers - very GSWR-like in design.......
  12. Damn. You've got me looking up B & Bs in Fermanagh now............
  13. Love the weathering on the K2 "Woolwich" and all the diesels..... ! Question to all re. those locos - are they ok for DCC? I have two, not used yet. Got them second hand, but I know from the guys I got them from that they aren't chipped. (I'll need to weather them like you have!)
  14. Black 5s.....love those engines!
  15. Wonder if I can sell one of my 141s..............can we start at €1000?
  16. Bangers AND mash? Well, you're lucky! When I were a young lad, eighty-four of us 'ad to pay the mine owner to lick the packet the bangers wer in! And you try tellin' that to the young wans today.........
  17. I suspect it was. One of those was also trotted out once or twice in the north to replace a failed RPSI steam loco on a couple of RPSI tours. Last time they were regularly out'n'about in the south would have been 1984/5. Even then, confined to Inchicore shunting and pre-DART Dublin suburban.
  18. Many of those containers ended up looking almost like they'd been PAINTED brown instead of orange in the first place, due to the uncleaned brake dust patina all over them! The above looks very realistic indeed....
  19. Planet / Hibberd 1951, used all its 20-odd years at Alexandra Road Oil Terminal in Dublin. Acquired by the RPSI in the 1970s and spent the next 20 years shunting at Whitehead. Still there, but out of traffic for about 20 years. Would need very major work to get it going again, and it's of very limited use.
  20. As already mentioned somewhere here, John Mayne is planning a re-run of his excellent "tin vans", and Silverfox do a green one as well as a black'n'tan one. It can't emphasised enough - for those who pursue accuracy, tin vans are a necessary feature of all 1960s trains, great and small - with the very few exceptions of the unique Loughrea coach, and a couple of sets of old wooden vehicles for summer use in Cork and Dublin.
  21. It’s worth remembering that when the 121s entered traffic, and for almost two years afterwards, ALL coaches were green, and in the Cork area there were still 6-wheelers in traffic. Tin vans are essential for that period too.
  22. In the current grand scheme of things, they would probably be unwise to offer a date. Too many variables are disrupting things right now- the Covidpox, backlogs in Chinese factories, transport delays, possible customs issues if travelling via Brexitland......
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