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Everything posted by jhb171achill

  1. V E R Y nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done IRM!
  2. Indeed - thing is, though, with Belfast, one wonders where on earth they'd put it! Queens Quay, Maysfields, Grosvenor Road and York Road yards are all gone and built over. Heading out the bangor and Lisburn lines, there's just nowhere. So unless they could put some sort of facility in somewhere around Fortwilliam - then there's no chance of any freight terminal in Belfast (the second biggest city on this island, and a major port)....ever!
  3. Good news indeed. Just spent a good while browsing their "bargains" section......
  4. Ah! That was the night when Crossley A30 failed on the Dundalk goods, and had to be shunted down to Clogherhead to get out of the way of a late-running "Enterprise", an AEC railcar set with Lurgan and Porteedown people and communication cord issues...... and B125 appeared to tow it back to Amiens Street...........
  5. Sadly, I doubt it very much...... Which raises an issue; with Adelaide turned over to servicing 4k trams, where in the city COULD a goods terminal be built? Fortwilliam area?
  6. I think both have - at Dromod - but one is more or less a set of parts.
  7. My bribery of the judges worked..............! (Seriously - very well done, and very richly deserved!)
  8. Methinks an oul shpin up to GVS quite soon might be in order; few pints in the Crown, and home.
  9. Fantastic! This is obviously a different day in April 1971; A3 was re-engined in March of that year, and A15 in May, so it must be April! Looking at the weekly circulars, that's the day when the two "A"s arrived, A3R with a mystery train from Wexford, and A15 with an Easter Monday special from Connolly..... so that pins it down to 12th April 1971. (jhb nerd alert) B125 failed on the Dundalk goods on the previous Thursday and was shunted in there, remaining over easter, and being towed to Inchicore on the Tuesday.........
  10. One special in from Westland Row, another from Drogheda, and one from Dundalk?
  11. I have an interest in this, through three friends being "on the spectrum", and the daughter of another friend of mine from years ago. While many might joke, it's a fact that this condition lends itself to an interest in all things mechanical; car enthusiast groups involving detailed restoration of old vehicles also attracts folks with this condition. It is a massively positive thing to see this group specifically encouraging people in this way - the railway enthusiast world in general might take note....
  12. I'm thinking MGWR six-wheelers............ and an "Achill Bogie"!
  13. 206 on one set today, 231 sitting spare in Connolly.
  14. I had heard of that but it's the first time I've ever seen a picture of it! Superb stuff appearing on the IRRS site these days - well worth joining the society for the photo archive alone.
  15. ……and therein lies the problem. Such an argument is 100% right - but a large critical mass of people at all levels have no interest whatever, and couldn’t care less! Sad….
  16. Very interested in this project! The very best of luck with it, Broadstone! As an MGWR fan myself, I have calmed myself with double smelling salts for tonight. I think I'm psychologically now, with mug of cocoa in hand, even if i'll always be a bit scarred.... What GSWR stock do you already have?
  17. Fingal Council is currently discussing ways of increasing the broad appeal of the museum to not just the public at large, but interest groups as well - in particular those interested in railway models. I have been asked to seek suggestions from modellers and modellers’ groups. I am thus interested in suggestions of any sort in terms of basic content, special events or on-site facilities. Since this is the “go-to” place for those interested in Irish railway modelling, I would be pleased to hear any suggestions either by PM to be here, or to jhb171@gmail.com.
  18. Out of my era but having seen them close up, the detail is amazing - they are certainly akin to the underparts of a canine........
  19. Gonna have to be a combination of (2) & (3) - nowhere to expand to! There's barely enough room in the Malahide Casino for THEIR stuff; and they wouldn't take kindly to me rolling up with a bed, a settee, and boxes and boxes of books, cutlery and bedside lamps.......... an exercise bike, rocking chair and whatever else oul junk is up there festering away...........
  20. Bit of an offbeat one here; my layout room has been invaded by half a house full of stuff - long story - unrelated to the railway. I need to find a semi-long-term storage facility, dry & insulated, somewhere broadly near Malahide to put stuff in for maybe a year or two. Looking up websites, it is clear that storage facilities run a cartel. None publish their prices - you have to ring them, which as a separate issue means you get bombarded with junk email and endless marketing calls for weeks afterwards; plus the prices they all quote are several light years above ridiculous. Anyone know of somewhere sensible in the area? Until or unless I can get a whole pile of stuff out of the house, there will be no more Dugort Harbour progress for a long time to come!!
  21. I'd be happy enough with the Guinness............
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