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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    I got the usual An post message this evening when checking online. 22 September 2021 17:17 Your delivery has been sorted DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12 22 September 2021 17:09 We have your post in DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12 I've now sent the following email to my local Td's & Councillors as well as Michael Martin, Eamon Ryan & Mary Lou McDonald. Nothing may come of it but at least its worth a try. Hello *****. Would you please contact someone in An Post & tell them to get their act together. People all over the country are waiting for packages & parcels which are stacked up in Dublin 12 & elsewhere because An Post isn't following the customs rules regarding declarations. "Customs explained that An Post is responsible for entering customs data and collecting vat and duties due on behalf of the Revenue, but also responsible for contacting the sender or person receiving the package to make any necessary amendments if there is a problem with the electronic customs declaration transmitted by the sending postal authority to An Post." Instead of contacting the senders or recipients An Post is sending packages & parcels back from where they came. It's even happening to people who have paid the Customs Vat & the An Post charge. Regards. *I would urge everyone to contact their local TD's on this matter.*
  2. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Where I live in South Kerry we have a fantastic postman John who never misses a beat. When I moved here about 15 years ago someone sent me a birthday card but didn't have my address. They wrote my name & the town where I live, that's all Credit to our postie he found me with the card. I wish the rest of An Post staff were like that
  3. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    This message appears on the Royal Mail International incidents update site. https://personal.help.royalmail.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5317 Start date: 16th September 2021 Latest Update: 16th September 2021 End date: Ongoing Incident: Customs delays Latest Update We’re sorry for the disruption some customers are experiencing with some services to Ireland at the moment. This disruption is being caused by the implementation of new import controls which are resulting in the return of some items by the Irish Customs authorities. Royal Mail remains in discussions with our postal partner, AnPost with a view to help identify new processes that could improve the flow of mail items into Ireland and reduce the return of items. In parallel, we have a number of potential alternative services business customers may want to use to post to Ireland including Click and Drop .. We’ll provide further updates to customers as we have them. This is the message I'm getting for one of my packages from the UK on An Post site. My second package is still in London I believe because Royal Mail won't forward it here because An Post can't get their act together. Christ what a country we live in 22 September 2021 17:09 We have your post in DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12 20 September 2021 14:37 Your delivery has been sorted DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12 20 September 2021 14:33 We have your post in DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12 17 September 2021 13:13 Your delivery has been sorted DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12 17 September 2021 13:09 We have your post in DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12 17 September 2021 13:08 Your delivery was received by An Post in DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12
  4. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    A thing about sending stuff anywhere more like
  5. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Only ever dealt with them once & never again
  6. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Trust Olivias to try something
  7. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Doesn't always work that way. I had two large boxes of cat litter coming from Amazon through DPD because of the weight. Both got stuck in the DPD depot in Athlone. The first one went from DPD to the Customs Office three times before it was released. It took so long that I had already received a refund from Amazon because they thought the box was lost. I received it about two weeks later, plastered with "Released from Customs" stickers. The second box came through in about a week with no stickers. Perhaps they had learned from the first incident ? The Mrs & I have never had an Amazon package not turn up when sent through An Post. Maybe we're just lucky.
  8. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Its total hit & miss with them especially when it ends up in the black hole that is the Dublin Mails Centre I have a registered package coming through at the moment & it looks like its playing a round the houses game. How many times does a package have to go through there before its eventually free ? My package arrived there on Friday & its already been sorted twice. Maybe Broithes tracker dog is on holidays
  9. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Yea that's it.
  10. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Hopefully but as other have said. Some are stopped & some get through. We'll see.
  11. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    My Hattons package arrived today with the postman. Just regular international priority postage @ £5. No communications from Irish Customs about it. The customs declaration had a bar code UY---------GB This number & bar code was also on the postal label with a little IOSS in one corner. I presume that this code gave customs all the information they needed.
  12. I had visions of Frenchmen in a convoy of 2CV's transporting a load of boxes marked "Trains" At least the French have a transport system unlike Ireland where large parts of the country are devoid of any sort of decent transport
  13. Can you still get down the street with the loco there
  14. Life would be very dull without a bit of fun. Now where did I put that shipping container I know I left it around here some where
  15. You are surrounded so give yourself self up peacefully. There's no where to run. Step away from the boxes
  16. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    According to An Post the parcel should have a TARIC code to enable it to be electronically scanned. A suitable code for toy trains imports from GB is 9503009990 I'll see what happens my parcel when it arrives.
  17. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    This is the reply I've just had from Hattons. I think Hattons are taking the chance that some packages will get stopped & others will get through. So basically its totally hit & miss Thank you for your email. As we have VAT registration for the republic of Ireland, Vat is paid at the time of purchase with us and after that, no other charges should occur. With the new government guidelines in place Republic of Ireland fall under DDP (delivered duties paid). If any further charges should occur with this order please do get back in touch with us and we will look into this for you. I hope this helps. If there is anything else that I can help you with please do not hesitate to get back in touch.
  18. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Anyone still having problems with Hattons ? I just bought a RTR item & was charged the UK vat rate on the item. I've sent them a message about it & await a reply.
  19. Minor detail Well done that man. Not there any more though. Still trying to find a decoder for it
  20. You go out & do the same. That'll sort him
  21. My A Class turned up this morning. Its bigger than I thought it would be ?
  22. I remember in the early seventies myself & a mate coming in on the Liverpool ferry one morning. Gave the Taxi man an extra few bob if he could make the first train to Cork out of Heuston. I never though a car could move so fast through Dublin Had the full Irish in the dining car on the way down. What a way to come home Haven't travelled by train in years now. Tony.
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