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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Check the Hattons customs label when the package arrives & see if its ok. It seems with An Post it depends who scans your package as to which way things will go. Its a mess with them but what's new
  2. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Hattons are normally spot on with their paperwork. I'd say this just an An Post cockup. Wouldn't be the first time
  3. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    The best thing is to contact Hattons.
  4. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    I have bought recently from Rails, Hattons & Coastal DCC. They have different ways of dealing with the Vat. Hattons charge the Irish vat & the package comes straight through. Rails & Coastal DCC deduct the British Vat & you pay the Irish Vat when the package comes in.
  5. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    I only buy stuff from UK retailers where I know I won't have trouble with them. I used to get a lot of items from E Bay but not any more as the postage & vat have gone crazy on that site now.
  6. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    My wife got a Customs card from An Post last week for an item that was delivered about three weeks ago If not paid we'll send the package back. Good luck with that one. It was a help to light the fire
  7. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Yes but Rails don't collect the Vat & that's what the An Post fee is for. Its a pity that Revenue aren't so quick to take money from the big boys. No when they go to court the big boys expensive lawyers tie them up in knots. The ordinary person in the street is an easy catch
  8. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Are An Post still charging €3.50 Post fee ? The reason I ask is that I got notified of Vat due on a package from Rails with no Post fee charged. Tony.
  9. A tsunami of the A class on E Bay now. If you were to buy one of them it would cast you over £300 before you got it
  10. Hi Everyone. I need one Dcc Concepts Cobalt-iP Digital point motor if anyone has one they want to move on ? If anyone has one just let me know. I have spare Tortoise motors but they're to big for where I need to put the motor. Thanks. Tony.
  11. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Its not the money at all George. Its just the principle of the whole thing considering all the unnecessary fuss An Post made of the VAT changeover. It seems they can do whatever they want & the poor customer just has to take it on the chin.
  12. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    I don't know where they got the €6.47 postage from as the total including postage was $30 ? We don't mind paying as long as its fair & above board. I have queried it with them but I don't expect to get anywhere as it seems they can do as they like.
  13. Purchased an A Class yesterday at lunch time. Delivered to the South West this morning at 11am
  14. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    An Post always have an answer for everything I'm completely puzzled by what happened with a package from the Ukraine sent to my wife last week. The total value of the contents was $30 including postage as can be seen by the customs declarations & what was on the invoice as well. She received a customs charge for €11.88 as they valued the contents at €36.47 ? I queried it with them & this is the reply I got back today. "Thank you for your email. The customs charges that have been applied to your item are generated off the declared value and postage that the sender provides. This is beyond our control as we cannot amend any information provided on the electronic declaration. I would advise you to contact the sender / exporter regarding this issue as we can only go by the information supplied to us at source. Below I have attached a below breakdown of how the customs charge was calculated. Total Contents in (EUR) €30.00 Postage in Currency (EUR) €6.47 Contents Total €30.00 Postage Total €6.47 Total €36.47 Import Duty €0.00 Excise Duty €0.00 VAT €8.38 An Post Fee €3.50 Total Payment Due €11.88 There is no refund due on the below item from An Post as the charges were applied based on the information An Post received from the sending country. Kind regards " Why would a seller put one value on a customs declaration & invoice & then have a different value sent electronically ? I smell a scam here as it seems An Post can put whatever value they like on a package & there f**k all you can do about it Tony.
  15. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    As a matter of interest. Anyone claim a refund of charges paid & actually receive anything & if so how long did it take ? Tony.
  16. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    That's a problem with a lot of British Retailers. They don't understand the codes or else they use the wrong ones.
  17. I hear its a 12" to the foot model
  18. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Yes they are but if the customs declaration was incorrect then they don't know whets in the package.
  19. I think there is also footage of the end of the Carrigrohane Road with the big high rock cliff on the left.
  20. I'd say that after all the A Class orders that there's no finances left to control
  21. They're a good way to see a model & its features but I wouldn't take what they say as gospel. Their lack of knowledge of the prototype often leads them to miss the most obvious mistakes made in a model.
  22. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Well the last financial regulator we had in this country used to play golf with the very bankers he was supposed to be regulating & we all saw how that turned out
  23. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    I see the communications regulator is as useful as the financial regulator we used to have
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