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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. What livery would these locos have carried when the engines were changed from the Crossley ? Thanks. Tony.
  2. Would you come down my way & pick me up on the way
  3. Quick question here. Would the sounds in that sound decoder apply to the earlier variants of the loco as well ? Tony.
  4. I hope AY is on commission because if that video doesn't sell more locos then nothing will Beautiful loco & the sound is something else. Looking forward to my A1 now.
  5. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Irish Customs are the problem. Takes me back to the seventies. Like dealing with a sloth trying to deal with customs & their new found power
  6. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Perhaps a customer who has bought from Hattons without any problems might comment on this. Has anyone bought from Rails of Sheffield & how did you get on. It seems like total confusion at the moment.
  7. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    I contacted Hatton's about Vat being charged twice etc & here is the reply I received. "We're unaware of this sort of issue with orders to Ireland/Southern Ireland being charged for VAT twice but whilst places are still adjusting to the new systems that have been put into place, so sometimes issues may occur and orders can slip through the cracks. If you place an order with us and this does happen, if you get back in touch with us we will sort this out for you straight away. I hope this puts you at ease a little and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get back in touch with us." Tony.
  8. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    Lucky you. I wonder would they bring stuff over for the rest of us for a small consideration Tony.
  9. amdaley

    Customs & VAT

    UK companies are using different ways when shipping items to Ireland. I asked both Hatton’s & Rails on this & they have different ways of doing things. Hattons take off the UK Vat & charge Irish Vat instead. Hattons are registered in several EU countries for Vat. Here is the relevant link to the Hattons information. https://www.hattons.co.uk/list/eventdetails.aspx?eventid=113 Rail on the other hand use a different method. They remove the UK Vat but do NOT charge the Irish Vat rate so the customer has to pay Vat & An Post fee before the order is delivered here. Amazon is also registered for Vat in EU countries so parcels should go straight through. However I had an Amazon parcel which had to go through DPD because of its weight stopped by Customs in the DPD depot in Athlone on the 25th July. My local DPD depot was able to tell me that the box went back & forth three times between DPD & the Customs office at the DPD depot in Athlone before being finally released. It took so long that Amazon actually gave me a refund. It was finally delivered today plastered with Released from Customs stickers. So to sum up. We’re back to the way it used to be back in the 70’s where packages might or might not get stopped by Customs. Purely random. I bought something on E Bay for £200 the week before last which was sent by Royal Mail registered & signed for. It was delivered to me in two days with no stoppages or charges. Tony
  10. I have at least one of those tampo printed ones stocked away. I must dig it out sometime.
  11. amdaley


  12. Import charges: Import charges £122.21 (amount confirmed at checkout) + £18.51 postage. God bless E Bays Global Shipping Programme
  13. This item has now sold. Thank you.
  14. Hello Everyone. I have for sale a Hornby Rolling Road R8211. In very good condition in original box. €55 including postage. Regards. Tony.
  15. Thanks for the clarification as I though it was to do with the 15% discount limit that was placed on sellers
  16. That's very strange although Hattons had a similar problem with Bachmann which seems to have been solved now. It had to do with the discount that Hattons wanted to apply so it seems. Might be the same problem between Rails & Hornby ? Don't know whats going to happen if the UK leave the EU without some sort of deal. I'm sure the Irish Customs are sharpening their pencils in anticipation
  17. That's just madness. Fools & their money
  18. Its must be a 12" to the foot model
  19. There's a copy for sale here if anyone is interested. https://www.adverts.ie/non-fiction/irish-railways-today/15529376
  20. But it is in Hong Kong.
  21. God loves a trier
  22. I would never have anything to do with any item being sent by GSS. It's just a money making racket forced on sellers by EBay. Completely unnecessary waste of time & money.
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