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Everything posted by mmie353

  1. @Old Blarney I would like to apologize if I came across as aggressive to your post, I know that you were only advising the methods of contacting him. I am using email as I do not have an international plan on my phone so I will need to get credit to make a call to the UK. I do appreciate you trying to help, honestly I do. I was only confirming that indeed I was using the correct email address to make contact with him. I will email him one more time today to see what happens. I will update if Charlie responds to me. As people may notice, I do not post much, I do not like to cause issues for other members as I do respect everyone on here. I would like to thank everyone on this forum, I do visit almost everyday.
  2. @Old Blarney that is the email address that I have been emailing for updates to my order!
  3. I asked the question here as I was not sure of anyone else having issues with DC Kits. I had emailed twice last week with no reply, I do agree that a business should reply to a email within 48 hours max. I was wondering if they were still in business. A quick update on the status of my order is all I am looking for. If I ever had an issue with an order from any other online store, I reach out to them. I hate to ask on a forum about any orders that I have with a store but when I was not getting a response in over a week to an email, it does make one wonder, if they are still in business. Hence why I asked the question here. I did email again last night to see if he would at least update me on the status of my order. I was hoping to get this last 121 from the run released by Murphy Models to complete the collection. It would be fine if he advised if the order shipped or what is going on with it. I do like to give a man a chance and I am still hoping to see if my order gets shipped or at least get an update on what is going on with it. I did, I thought allow time for the holidays to give DC Kits a chance to get back to me, but I wait still. I do like to thank everyone that posted here on their thoughts and experiences, if it has started issues between members, that was not my intention. I was honestly asking, because I heard nothing back to emails that I have sent so far, to know if they were still in business or not. I hate to see a business go under, I was hoping to find that DC Kits are indeed still in business and hopeful that my order does ship from them.
  4. Thanks for the replies on this one, I did get a 071 a few years ago from him and I do not recall any issues. I was hoping that my locomotive that I purchased, MM0133 would ship as he seemed to be the only one that has it in stock. I guess I will have to wait another while to see what happens.
  5. I placed an order with DC Kits over the holiday period, the order is processing since the 3rd, I have emailed twice to them and nothing back, last week, I am starting to get concerned. Does anyone know if they are still in business?
  6. I have been keeping an eye on this post as well the 071 is a loco I love. I too would like to get more of them but I am wondering do Model Irish Railways still see the resin kit for the 071? Also what would be a suitable donor chassis for a 071?
  7. Happy Christmas to everyone, have a safe and enjoyable day
  8. Another one!!!! https://www.ebay.ie/itm/115154529119?hash=item1acfbeab5f:g:36sAAOSwEothw16f 440 euro to buy it now!!!
  9. Amazing that Oxford do not have any Peugeot in the range, I would love a little 205, 305 or a 405.
  10. That is about all you can do? Not sure if you can reach out to Wilson and request to be added as an admin to the site, explain that you were the original admin for it and see if you can get anywhere. I always try to set a password for an account using the mindset, a password that should be difficult for someone else to hack over than what is an easy password for me to remember.
  11. Would you happen to have the link to your own facebook group for your page? Just to confirm the URLs for both groups, to rule out a re-direct to the group that Wilson is an admin of. Another question, was the group creation date is the same as yours?
  12. Was there anyone else setup as an admin for the group besides yourself?
  13. If you do a quick google search many people have done videos on installing a DCC decoder to a 0-4-0. It maybe best to look at them and then decide if you are comfortable with trying to upgrade the loco yourself. It maybe possible to find someone close to where you are based that they maybe able to upgrade it for you, that is if you are not comfortable doing it yourself. I do not own this model but I assume you will need to hardwire it. Hornby have guides on their website that also can guide you, this maybe a help to you: https://support.hornby.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016347640-R782-0-4-0-Smokey-Joe
  14. Has a feeling I need beer before I start to watch it..
  15. Burning question... when is the next announcement due?
  16. As I was looking around I saw this these pics from this site - https://steverabone.com/RailwayPhotographs/ireland_1984.htm. If any of these pics were posted by someone else, I apologize, I do not recall viewing them before. In case no one has seen them, there you go. I have no idea who took them or anything about this site.
  17. Were there equal amounts of A classes per model produced or was it a release of how things went with pre-sales and added a certain percentage to what was pre-sold? I am curious to know how many were released for each one.
  18. Is there many sound decoders left in stock for the A class?
  19. May need to go "sick" for the rest of the day, just arrived while on my lunch A23R, 027, 056 and 036.. Awesome
  20. I have 4 of mine stateside at the moment, only like 1 hour away from me. So I think IRM may have dispatched by either payment date or order date as I ordered these around the time they opened it up for pre-orders. I have 6 more that I am waiting on them to ship to me that I ordered this year. All going good, I am hoping by the end of this coming week or early next week, the other 6 will be on their way. More Container liners would be awesome and also Ammonia's too!!!
  21. I wonder what the market is over here in the US if the Uk and German markets are worth those numbers. Congrats to everyone at IRM/Accurascale
  22. Any clue as to when the next one will be?
  23. @WarbonnetIRM have no issues in getting any sound decoders? I was speaking to the store that I order my ESU sound chips on Friday and he advised they cannot get anything from ESU at the moment, they are trying apparently to get more in for months now. He has no ETA as to when he will get more.
  24. @WRENNEIREwould you have accessory packs for a 071? I am missing one but would you ship to the US?
  25. I am curious to know if there will be a re-run of anything that has been done so far. I am blown away with the Mark 2s as the samples look awesome. It must have taken a minute to get the close coupling figured out from what we have seen on these models to what seems to work really well from the video. I do not have anything from NIR, but these have me thinking... To turn on the lighting with the magnet is a cool feature.
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