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Everything posted by mmie353

  1. Wonder what the reviews are like on this one, I was thinking of looking at a Hornby second hand one but maybe open to get one of these
  2. @Warbonnetah sur, the hints that we are given you have to admit keep us going here for days! All I have to say is, he is a great salesman!!
  3. Lol dang, oh well looks like another order going in for something BR in the New Year
  4. I expect to wake up on that morning to the email notification... have to set that alarm clock...
  5. mmie353

    IRM Fert Wagon

    Are the Guinness flats in the same consignment as the ferts?
  6. They are still being delivered in Q4 of 2023?
  7. @NorthWallDocker man I had forgotten about the event was this weekend, I am not able to attend tomorrow, Sunday is in doubt as it depends on how things go tomorrow.
  8. mmie353

    IRM Fert Wagon

    I wish I had pics from the time period in question. Funny when one would have lifted tons of them blasted things and disposing of them, who knew then that pics from the time would have been nice today. Oh well.
  9. May also want to open a website like https://www.whatismyip.com/ and from there it should provide your public IP address and more importantly, the location of where it has been detected.
  10. mmie353

    IRM Fert Wagon

    Awesome my order arrived today, so did they ever run with the blue 46% urea bags? They would have I assume heavy used early spring when farmers were spreading for silage. Also they were a larger bag than the standard ones. I think there was a yellow bag also, I could be wrong on that one.
  11. They look stunning, my credit card felt some heat today, so when can one expect these beauties to hit our layouts?
  12. Any eta as to when they will be available? I know with all the IRM excitement and ordering, it would be nice to also pick up what Murphy Models are going to release.
  13. Is there any clue as to the time at the show the next announcement will be? For those of us that are not able to attend
  14. I am wondering the impact of this one to the first run of 141/181's with their value. I was trying to get them as I did not get them all when they were first released.
  15. Interesting update on Murphy models, I am curious as to anything on the 201 or the Mark 3s, with IRM to have more announcements coming at the weekend also, I think my credit card will need CPR!!
  16. That was a nice surprise to wake up to, the Lyons Tea container with Harp, is there a plan later on if one wanted to get a couple of packs of the containers themselves, the Lyons Tea and the Harp?
  17. @Warbonnetkilling me dude, lol.
  18. @KMCE awesome work, I am sorry to read what is going on, good luck with the treatment. take care of yourself man.
  19. I am just wondering when the first announcement will be made, from what @Warbonnet said, there is one to be announced before the event. It has been interesting to see the speculation on what everyone would like to see. I am all for Ammonia's I am only waiting on them to come. Would be awesome to have a set with a 071 at the head.
  20. I ordered the Guinness Keg Liners which seemed to re-direct me to the Accurascale website when I ordered, I do not see this order in my account neither
  21. https://www.abebooks.com/9781898392484/Locomotives-GNRI-Norman-Johnston-189839248X/plp
  22. Let's see what these go for - https://www.ebay.ie/itm/195315833547?hash=item2d79bb1acb:g:VmkAAOSwkf9i9kvk&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoFAOToV4giJctxRksP1TiE86SUKFH%2FulkXQkxokgP3TOUPFuGPZPzDuXaaB%2FKvLzHha21EO0d5%2FZEeVXmu4e0Lv25JsxThdVL0e4u6X503k4YFlVT%2FFm63qGsqp0AfvHaNHhMucs4i2HY%2B8vvUIEg1niYduGtbO%2F8drxoc%2F8clM2WbaeKzrnWxXzyXKWO5q%2FMKyb52e%2B94RnQXbrKkJUlMo%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-SsoIvgYA And another grey 071 - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275438083157?hash=item4021639c55:g:4WMAAOSweMRjC2Iy&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoHi2YH0%2FPdzSRN42oKWdTVxbaPg93LhdfQPs2tP8MJhIwHQX7LIqbmc%2Batvy08tO%2B%2Bd7PMSUuYCU%2F9RDIf20hjYbhKu%2B0J6eylzcI%2FT6LRay8dp7LhkoKkNeAbPwPRFaEpYGX8sDz7D%2BSgbvufBd3jTQjfqkna6KXtn9XylRMr%2FMPxoBD3prhf65m4zr947byjns57qEur49hO0P5Z1rOLo%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR9DW_8PfYA
  23. Yeah man thing is well if they find someone to pay that money for it, good for them, but that is away out of what I would consider paying for a loco. if someone pays that 500 that will mean that others may also look for crazy money for any future locos that appear on eBay. This is why even though I do not have one of these, I am gonna pass on this one.
  24. Interesting to see how much this will go for, that is, if someone does not pay the 500 but it now, https://www.ebay.ie/itm/195316719497?hash=item2d79c89f89:g:nDIAAOSwOKRjDQ7J
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