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DiveController last won the day on July 27 2020

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    SCUBA, Snow Sports, Martial Arts and the obvious


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    Testing the physiological limits of humans ...

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  1. The mother’s side is not the problem
  2. ON the flip side of the coin, it seems I can no longer purchase models using the US dollar which seems to have disappeared from the drop down list of currencies on the website. However those of you in UAE and Liechtenstein are good to go..... Hopefully this was not in the anticipated raft of improvements on the website? @BosKonay
  3. A Dutch and rebuilt Dutch might be worth a go! I suppose the one superb 6 wheel double boilers is out of the question?
  4. So unfortunately not, Stephen. IRM is currently charging these rates to ROW. Those of you in ROW may not notice if you only order one or two locos but you certainly will for a larger order! I have been looking an old waybill from one of my orders but they've been discarded. What would be the country of origin be for models due for delivery to US in 2025 (Ireland or China)? @BosKonay
  5. Great information . The dimensions you mention amount to no more 1-2mm in 4mm scale, so url;ees we see an rt the 2ft rule would certainly apply to BR based modifications Palvan's were an interesting little wagon, a firm favorite of mine
  6. Been waiting on a reply from Andrew regarding this and in the interim the cost has increased by $43 per loco or $335 added to my order. Something's broken alright. I have decided to cancel the potential purchase. Not impressed @Ironroad I think they have taken your comment to heart, Dave Might go into Spanish locos like your 31.2
  7. I saw the title and thought Antonov what? I get it now. The cargo involved was the Ukrainian Antonov-124 so I see the name is a portmanteau of that and the GM 201 class locomotive
  8. They will probably look good relative to the track It should be getting power directly from the track. Try another coach to troubleshoot, whether it’s the pickup or the lighting kit.
  9. Shipping to US, metro area, not the backwoods or anything...., looks like the cost just keeps offing rising the more I order (but more locally you get free shipping for ordering more). Same will happen with ICRs I suspect, so since that not my era its hard to expect us to support that IRM project at these rates over here
  10. Been considering which of these I wanted to get for the last several days and after finalized my list, I realized that shipping would be a whopping $157!! I checked my account and realized that I paid with $25 to ship 4 A class a couple of years ago, a 300% shipping increase for ROW. Who else has been hit with this increase in ROW and how much has it changed for you guys? I had planned to get an ICR or two also but that just went on hold
  11. You might have too map this out but some of the routes might be shortened at certain hours so inserted some additional/alternative route destinations ABOVE although i can't be certain there were during your specified time period
  12. Not an export , would know a few of the routes like 5 or 8 maybe 10. I donate know if there would be timetables, probably so, floating on eBay. Flickr is decent resource at times for pics. What specifically are you after? https://www.ebay.com/itm/353063046528 https://oldphotosofcork.wordpress.com/2022/07/20/the-busses-of-cork/ There's a guy called Paul on tapatalk that collects cork city timetables about 2012, if h'es still around maybe touch base on that forum?
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