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Everything posted by Noel

  1. Tony your layout progress is most impressive and the ongoing work looks great.
  2. LOL - I got stuck there in the station for three hours back in 1998 on the 10th of July when the enterprise broke down returning to Dublin. I put on a German accent as the place was rather busy with weekend visitors! But est vas perfektly ok und pepol ver fury nic to mich fur ze duraton ov my delay. Ze replacment lokomotive und zug vas a relev van it inso ze stazion kommen. Ze ozer kaput zug was avay taken. On a serious note how many proper model railway retailers are left on the whole island north and south?
  3. Refurbished Bredin Coaches (Hornby Stanier) for running with IE 071 Freight Grey locos of the imaginary "Brandenberg division" European Irish Sea tunnel service direct to the continent Seating and glazing to be installed in due course
  4. Superb model buildings. They look so realistic and the weathering looks top class.
  5. Very tidy work. Like the colouring.
  6. Hi Tony Just buy one of the Murphy model 071 class models from a retailer, or eBay. (Eg marks models) Noel
  7. Massive performance.
  8. B&T 1960s heaven!!! Could somebody please pick me up off the ground! Patrick your layout and stock is AMAZING
  9. Apologies for delay replying, catching up now. Hi popeye. Its an RTR Silver Fox model of an AEC converted to a driving trailer. I plan to use it with a C class push/pull and an MM 121 class push/pull which was rare but did happen. Cheers Robbie. Early days with lots to do, but hopefully in the next year I will try to make proper custom platforms and make a pseudo Kingsbridge multiple pitched roof, but that is largely transparent for viewing the trains from above. Well it will always be a sort of place the time lord Dr Who visited concurrently in the 50s/60s/70s and even 90s, and even some occasional LMS & GWR visitors Forgive the 'revolutionary' pun and paradox, but B&T livery locos will rule Kingsbridge. Thanks Jason. I now need to darken and/or weather the orange on my other MM Mk2's to match it. Hi rebelred, thanks, but it did take me a few months before I got the courage to get moving and start trying the airbrush, fearing the stock I might ruin. So started trying out the airbrush on sheets of A4 paper, then track weathering which needs little precision and very forgiving, then some old Triang Hornby stock and bodies which I used as training donors, and then finally some stock I didn't want to make a mess of. Btw, I wouldn't take any advice from me, I'm a complete beginner, there are some talented and experienced 'masters' on here. I found looking at lots of youtube videos and in particular reading RMweb threads on painting and weathering very informative. However I risked spending forever researching, especially with the hint of OCD I suffer, rather than just getting out the air brush and getting dirty. I had an irrational fear of destroying my airbrush by not cleaning it up properly. Richie kindly gave me a good head start about this time two years ago with an excellent airbrush demo session, and great advice on air brushes, compressors and paints, but it was only a few months ago before I finally put paint in the cup. I've made some major mess ups but can't learn with out taking a few risks and doing stuff. I've learned that I have a heck of a lot to learn, but loving the journey. Coach resprays will be the next big step up and then weather one of my B&T 141s (shudder).
  10. Its interesting four years later reading this interesting old thread. IMHO, 3D for 00 locos and rolling stock is still not at the races, but good enough for some buildings perhaps. The surface texture is no where near smooth enough yet. I'm sure it may in time, but I guess the future for modellers will remain bureau service providers as low cost home 3D printers good enough for 00 seems doesn't seem likely for the foreseeable future. It feels like 3D is where ink jet printers were back in 1992, but they have come a long way in the past 25 years.
  11. Training experiments continue for newbie to airbrush. Three more wagons with light weathering. Nothing like this BR brake van ran on CIE network, but I just like the look of it. These were done last week - 6xLima vans, beat wagon, mineral wagon, 2xBachmann vans Not too happy with 3D printing results on the two new beat wagons by the platform. They just about survive the 'duck test' but I won't be assembling anymore. First time I sprayed railmatch primer which is a sort of yellow tint cream colour. Didn't like using it, prefer Halfords primer from can. The texture of the 3D surface didn't help. Mind you using Halfords is almost like setting off a fire extinguisher its so powerful. Need plenty of distance and rapid steady movement of can. These 3D prints were disappointing, especially the doors. Weathering pending on these. Ughhh! So far I have found three sources for corrugated open beat wagons, Leslie's Provincial Wagons kit, IFM's RTR, and these Valve Design 3D bodies which fit on Dapol 10ft chassis. I hope to complete Leslie's kit in the next week or so. Anyway have had loads of fun experimenting with airbrush, made tons of major boo-boos, and clogged it up a few times. But finally figuring out how to keep it flowing smoothly and hopefully finding different methods of applying the paint, learning about times between coats, how long to leave the brush before the nozzle starts to dry, tricks for clearing the brush without dismantling it completely, etc. There is so much to learn, but just doing it again and again making mistakes and retrying has been almost addictive. First time I used the airbrush it took me nearly 25mins to clean it when finished, now down to a 3-5 mins. Discovered the hard way different acrylic paint manufacturers seem to need quite different levels of acrylic thinners, and work best with their own thinners. Tamiya acrylics seem to need very little thinners for airbrush, or it goes on too thin like water. Next will be an attempt to respray some coaching stock in early CIE B&T livery. Masking!!!
  12. I was reading a few pieces about this only yesterday. This 'toilet roll' suggests a visit March 26th but nothing confirmed yet: World's largest passenger plane set to land in Dublin No immediate plans for an A380 DUB route though. The visit may be for PR, but also possibly a sort of 'gauge' trial to check ramp access and ground handling systems. RWY 28L/10R is well up to handling an A380. I remember watching the first 747 touch down.
  13. http://www.marksmodels.com Marks Models, 14 Hawkins Street, Dublin 2. +353 1 6715809 walking distance from Connolly (Amiens Street) It's the only proper model rail shop in Dublin.
  14. Captain Dara Fitzpatrick. She along with her 3 crew mates are heros. RIP Captain Fitzpatrick (right of picture)
  15. Spare a thought (or even a prayer) for the four crew of rescue 116 and their loved ones. A sad day for the brave men and women who deliver our rescue services 24x365 in all weather.
  16. Thanks Richie. That was an excellent post/thread well researched, don't know how I missed it at the time. Your research has convinced me to go for the earlier '10 Ton GSWR Ballast Brake Plough Van' and paint it Bauxite or Brown which would probably be more appropriate for my B&T era than the later plough in bright PW yellow. Thanks again.
  17. Can somebody please explain to me the different provenance of these two plough vans? The latter one seems to have a longer wheelbase.
  18. Ok, that makes sense. I've noticed many MM items don't show up on eBay.ie but only eBay.co.uk. Never understood the "don't post to Ireland" thing by many UK sellers on items primarily of interest to ROI market! Used Address Pal and formerly Parcel Motel got around that little hurdle.
  19. BTW, just to avoid any confusion I don't have a separate weathering thread, it was just a few posts on the layout thread below: Kingsbridge - Old New Layout (weathering posts): http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3488-Kingsbridge-Old-New-Layout?p=98006&viewfull=1#post98006
  20. Sanity returning to EGV values? €74 Mar 11 MM5609 IE/IR Mk2 EGV Orange Roof €223 Feb 20 MM5609 IE/IR Mk2 EGV Orange Roof Can't help feeling sorry for the purchaser who paid €223 when another went for a more sensible €74 a few weeks later.
  21. Thanks Richie. Is 0.5mm more suitable for say coach sides and coach roofs, walls, etc? Noel
  22. Question: Which airbrush needle size should I use for detail such as weathering, and which for re-spraying larger areas such as a coach or loco? It came with 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5mm needles and nozzle pair. so far I have only used the 0.2mm. I'm not sure for which applications I should use the other needle sizes? Thanks in anticipation Noel
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