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Everything posted by Junctionmad

  1. Thank you
  2. sorry this was a user on the Yuku he had a lot of WRC footage and I was wondering if he's still around dave
  3. Does anyone know if its possible to contact this individual ? thanks and regards dave
  4. Thank you guys I'm suitably informed to now begin to add a collection of 4 wheel vans to my collection Dave
  5. I was trying to get the sequence of these right Am I correct in assuming that of the 56 4 wheelers built from 55 onwards , some were luggage only , some were SHV and a few were tpos , were the luggage only 4wheelers built first and converted ? Kirsch and Doyle only dentil the remaining 4w and 6w running in 1978 , has anyone the build numbers of the luggage only vans. Thanks Dave
  6. Nice one. A masterclass ,
  7. Count me in for one or maybe two. I would also like you to consider re-releasing the 4w van
  8. Weathered for me. Thes wagons never looked pristine
  9. in fairness Noel, there are several means of saving and speeding up CV programming ( Decoder Pro for example ) if you want that sort of thing. There are also advanced Cabs that allow function keys to be dynamically reprogrammed etc , ( and some smartphone based apps too ). lol , you're right about Steve Jobs, however decoders, would come with silver and gold packaging and would cost 700 euros, and would only work with one control box !!!
  10. was there any such depot like this in real life outside of Inchicore ?, just wondering , had cork service facilities >
  11. Just use parcel motel
  12. At least they won't have to scratch build a lot of stock. !
  13. I suppose I was merely countering your comment on exhibition layouts , which are sometimes out and back , or scenic break type layouts. In this case repeated circling of the layout to achieve near scale deacceleration would look odd and wrong. Again Take a model railway that is signalled , berth and clearance distances will have need compromised significantly but trains still need to decelerate and still within the model signalling distances allowed. That's means far great deceleration and acceleration then the prototype. In fact prototypical rates would look distinctly wrong. Nothing in this takes away from a good model chassis, but model crawl speeds are more a function of gearing and pickups ( and good level track ). While therm 141 is impressive m when I see it matched in a G class two axle diesel , I'll be seriously impressed. ( and across a dead frog peco to boot !!j
  14. I suppose I was merely countering your comment on exhibition layouts , which are sometimes out and back , or scenic break type layouts. In this case repeated circling of the layout to achieve near scal deacceleration would look odd and wrong. Again Take a model railway that is signalled , berth and clearance distances will have been compromised significantly but trains still need to decelerate and stop within the model signalling distances allowed. That's means far greater deceleration and acceleration then the prototype. In fact prototypical rates would look distinctly wrong. Nothing in this takes away from a good model chassis, but model crawl speeds are more a function of gearing and pickups. While the MM 141 is impressive, when I see it matched in a G class two axle diesel , I'll be seriously impressed. ( and across a dead frog peco to boot !!j
  15. Yes , but, the neccessary length compression of layouts means that deacceleration and acceleration occurs over a much shorter then scale distance and hence occurs over a far shorter time interval.
  16. The primary issues being the lack of standards once you move away from the original basic dcc standard which was designed for very simplistic US focused operations
  17. A more suitable phrase for IRM might be "I've giv'n her all she's got captain, an' I canna give her no more." !!
  18. From attending the odd club and exhibitions etc , I'd say the demographic that's now most prevalent seems to be 40+ , with minorities in the 60s. This is possibly due to the cost of railway modelling these days. I'm the same age as Noel , but I'd didn't start haunting railways till about 73 , and as I lived in the country and my dad was car mad , we rarely came in contact with railways before I started traveling on them myself. I do remember an early trip to Waterford good shed ( the new one ) when H vans etc were in common use. ( and watching the shunting ) , but in reality all my detailed recollections were from the start of the super train era and while the sidings were full of laid up vans , the main trains were block or unit trains. Personally , I prefer the immediate post Black and Tan period, the era of 1975+ freight modernisation very interesting , primarily because you had an explosion of interesting single purpose freight wagons . Equally that era began to be seriously chronicled by photographers an issue that bedevils previous eras in Irish railway history. My only regret was , that life pressures , meant I didnt run round the country in the late 90s , with my first digital camera , before all of it was destroyed from 2005 onwards. I do mourn the current generation of young people who will have little or no variety to model, can't see the attraction in the post 2010 scene personally at all.
  19. I think , speed like mass is one of the things that doesn't scale well. Ok most layouts , track is compressed length wise and so prototypical starts would look odd as the loco would cover the whole layout accelerating. So I think there's a happy compromise. The issue for me is to contain jerky movement as this distroys the illusion of mass. I think many modellers are forced to accelerate the model to overcome issues with poor track or pickups. A consistent acceleration to me is preferable over necessarily crawl speed ability. ( which in reality is a simple function of gearing )
  20. As an aside , I would urge people to load the pics directly in to this website rather then linking to third party image stores. ( consistent with copyright etc ) SO many pics are lost on older websites because the image store is now longer accessible ( as any perusal of the yuku version etc will demonstrate )
  21. The whole 70-78 transition era is fascinating
  22. indeed , and any video of loose shunting, will show you these boys moved the stock and the locos around quite sharpish. They had a job to do after all, certainly with the exception of the last few steps in buffering up , locos moved around at well above creep speeds
  23. Goodness , Waterford Limerick services are very hard to determine , being buried in a bizarre Dublin Hueston -Dublin Hueston and you'd think a timetable unchanged since the late 70s might need changing , given the boat trains are gone and rosslare isntt accessible , talk about a twilight service
  24. ah well , thats the Irish Mk3 for yeah!!!!
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