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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. Was on a 3 coach ICR last Saturday from Belfast not pleasant and tea trolley stuckmin leading coach. First trains from Belfast and Dublin are booked for railcars
  2. First 3 car ICR to use Grand Central. Set 001 still in use last night did the 20.00 to Dundalk
  3. Today the 10.00 Enterprise to Dundalk worked by a 3 car ICR .. Packed and standing before Portadown. First ICR seen in service at GeNd Central
  4. Getting the bus tomorrow from Connolly any advice?
  5. Doing a bit in Queens at the minute. Over coffee today all I heard was complaints about Grand Circus
  6. One day last week counted 25 Translink staffing rail station plus 29 on duty in bus station Gents is still.out of order in bus station. Progress!
  7. Latest issue of Sream Days has a nice article with good photos of CIE steam in 1959.
  8. With good use of some platforms Lusburn to Bangor serviced could be easily introduced. Queens students and City Hospital users not amused either
  9. Larne even had 3 stations with two Town stations both long demolished
  10. Surely Londonderry and Boston Railway?
  11. Dublin Belfast closed for those 3 days 2!
  12. 14.05 Enterprise to Dublin is a 6 car CAF after 206 failed at Grand Central today. Platforms 5 and 6 will.be the Dublin platforms
  13. Good view of Buncrana signal cabin. Just look at the rake of vans on a railway with months left before it closed.
  14. Part of the station wall cladding fell.onto the track and platforms a few weeks ago over a weekend!
  15. Or what the final.bill will be? At present piling work going on the station approach!
  16. No timetables yet for Translink so use Irish Rail website instead which shows a 2 hourly Enterprise from Grand Circus from October 13th. The hourly Enterprise in theory!starts from October 29th
  17. Like 109 the 0-6-2ST?
  18. The shed seen at Letterkenny now a car park at the shopping centre in Letterkenny!
  19. On behalf of the Donegal Railway Heritage Museum I would be morec than interested in that article and replying to your questions?
  20. No hourly Enterprise from October 7th. Translink cannot provide enough buses whilst Grand Central cannot accept trains. The Saga continues
  21. Would teach Translink management a lesson or 2!
  22. No bus this morning from Belfast to Newry to connect with the first Enterprise to Dublin! Correction the 7.56 from Newry started from Dumdalk today
  23. Translink cannot give a date yet when they met Irish Rail.yesterday about hourly Enterprise from October 7th. Usually elf and safety unspecified were blamed! Asked for a date Translink.were vague
  24. Looks more like a summer special from Rossknowlaghl to Strabane about to run round
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