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Everything posted by waffles

  1. IRRS Annual film show. The show comprises of a selection of members cine-film and digital memories. A selection of hot beverages will be available with biscuits during the intermission Thursday 28.03.13. 19.30 prompt To night's the night Sorry for late post.
  2. wow it gets better by the day he who dares wins
  3. sorry have been away back now the model dart looks fantastic the model is for more advanced than the original concept that was pitched here. as i said before Eoin is brave to have shown us a model in its very early infant stage and forgiving about the stick he took initially. but fair play to him for keeping the project going i wouldnt be able to have done a project this big myself and i can imagine that a lot of cash and time has been sunk into this project. the best thing of all is the attitude change from critical posters knocking what hes is doing to an attitude of support and symphathy. so fair play to him and fairplay to the posters who have mellowed a lot . support and advice is what our hobby is about.
  4. The photos are amazing i remember the day well i had been on a training spin with the wexford wheelers. the gang were working hard for the sat and sunday and were very fast one of the P Way guys was a chap called Bill Whittey who was married to a family friend and sadly is no longer with us
  5. Thursday the 13Th of December. A talk " Contract Law and the Railways’" a paper by IRRS Hon. Librarian, Tim Moriarty. This will be a very interesting talk by Tim and well worth attending. The talk will start at 7.30 PM sharp, All are welcome and as usual Tea and Coffee with Biscuits will be served during the interval.
  6. The crane was one of two bought second hand from British rail they were re-gauged and modified in Inchicore they were painted in a shade of orange It was know as "Dicks Rig" irish rail made a short documentry about it apox 16 mins and put on VHS. They tried to give it away but got no takers so they cut it up.
  7. Next batch on there way ship docked last night !
  8. first picture is great all you need to do is build a model of Kevin Doyles new mansion and stick it in the background. I love the name "The Deeps" its also the name of the country estate next to ours, in Wexford.
  9. move along lads theirs nothing to see here. It was very poor, shame prime time TV before the news no wonder they only made three episodes they must have run out of ideas after five minutes it was obvious that they had to pack program out with "fluff". Can you see it getting any better ?
  10. Thursday 8 November: ‘Ireland from an American perspective’ – a slide show presented by Brian Solomon on the period of 1998 – 2003. Brian is a prolific author and renown for his expertise on railways in the U.S Refreshments will be served during an interval tea coffee biscuits and chat. Brian's work can be viewed at: http://briansolomon.com/trackingthel...november-2012/ IRRS Headquarters, Heuston Station @ 19:30 sharp. Come along. Brian always gives a great show!
  11. This is only a working prototype as Eoin said , not the final model, he has said that he is improving the model constantly. As you can clearly see it has lights that work front and back uni directional. etched wipers white metal horn working couplings. the pantograph is handmade metal and sprung the bogie frames are cast resin the end gangways are cast resin too you have a choice of motors spud or black beetle or others. the underframe is brass DCC ready and you can have it anyway you want. I understand an interior,glazing,protruding doors are also in the pipeline for the model. How do i know this i asked him this and may other questions at the show.
  12. Hope this helps
  13. Think what Eoin is saying if you want a personalised one your number and destination or even your own personal livery then its going to cost more due to new artwork needing to be produced to scale .same way as getting custom weathering done on a loco or other model you pay extra and the same its the same with limited editions or one offs If ten people order the same one it will save costs as he will make them all together in one batch each model being identical same livery artwork numbers and destinations. Off subject How much do you charge for your 2600s a am interested, i didn't know you still did them please PM me.
  14. as Eoin did say that the price will drop if he fills orders for each of the batches.
  15. A collector collects what they want to and that's what makes them happy. If they want to spend that amount of cash on a model then let them. After all we all have friends out side the hobby who think we are "crazy playing with toy trains at our age" and "how much did you pay for that" and "you could go on the holiday for that much" most of us are married to that person ! (I'm lucky my Mrs is also a collector all be it dolls) Think about this every one went mad to buy one of paddy's 071s There will be at least 5000 made, If Eoin sells a 100 in total for arguments sake ,in five,ten or 50 years time they will have that ultra rare value and that kudos of owning them. And as Eoin did say that the price will drop if he fills orders for each of the batches. I took the opportunity to take a look at them at the show and for a just off the drawing board first made prototype the units look very good and like most things will be improved and refined till they are ready for final production,an interior, glazing protruding doors and etched parts. A newcomer should be welcomed for making an effort. We all had to make a start somewhere in the hobby we all had to learn the skills we have and gain the information we all have on the subject , we were not born with it.
  16. The idea was there would be a fleet that could be used for various grain crops barley and wheat the were trailed on various tasks and found to be quite useless at the time ISO container were being designed left right and centre for all sort of jobs to be used on those block trains that were going to save cie railfreight. The ranks wagons and old grain vans were used in Co wexford a lot and when out of use were stored at wexford north station awaiting there final trip to the cutters tourch.
  17. Hi you will have to email the photo archivist first if you looking for a particular photo as it can not be done on night with out a prior appointment, unlike document archive which can be viewed without an appointment on Tuesday nights, Hon Archivist may be contacted by email at archivist@irrs.ie
  18. Hi there its proper title is "Demountable Grain Hopper" Code RLFE 29, Built around 1974 were in use from 75 onwards but not for long ! 8 Ft high 19' Ft- 10 and a half inches long, 8 Ft wide, Carrying capacity of only 11 tons total weight of loaded container 20 tons, A ladder was fixed at one end, Approx 10 built maybe 12 were built. used to transport grain mostly barley for a well known Dublin brewer and anyone else who needed grain transported. They were useless top heavy not stable and had a very low capacity for carring the grain it was designed to carry. The containers were soon asigned to cie s room 101 by the late 70s.
  19. well done very good product well thought out very happy with my buy.
  20. innocent ! i got to know him through Sean Yates when he was at Motorola and i was building there training wheels from there old racing wheels.
  21. Thursday October 11Th. Hassard Stacpoole presents a selection of photos from the Cyril Fry collection All are welcome, visitors please sign the visitor book on arrival. Please note this talk will start at 19.30 sharp. Tea Coffee and biscuits will be served during the interval at the grand charge of €1 As Usual the Library is open every Tuesday from 19.30 to 21.45.
  22. nice job masking is fantastic. wish i had the skill and the time to achieve the finish you managed to get well done !
  23. 8100 models we going to have a choice and the market is all about choice. Price comes in to when you decide which one you would rather have for your own collection . Some people the collectors ,funds willing are most lightly buy one of each manufactures models. and others will stick to what they want and from whom, how much they want to pay for the items. Both models are unique in the sense that they are being built-made by two completely different methods one in pre printed plastic a very original way to tackle a model and the other in nice brass . So let the buyer them-seif decide which one that they would rather have. I would love to have a few of each lotto win willing.
  24. Thanks for the feedback it was a great night, a great way of meeting up with some old friends and making new friend at the same time. Bravo Ciaran !
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