AS far as my Irish narrow gauge layouts are concerned so far i have done Donegal Town,Castlefinn,Letterkenny,Strabane, and Brucklees for the County Donegal as well as Castlederg and Arigna.For the standard gauge the list at the moment is only Valencia and Courtmacsherry. However there are plans ahead for Newmarket,Ballybehob and a yet to be decided Clogher,it depends which one reaches critical mass regarding stock etc,the problem is mainly getting side tracked.My Devils Bridge layout is just about finished and out on the circuit and the boards for a Broad gauge layout (GW 7')have just been built.with the added possibility of a Snailbeach layout as well as i seem to have most of the stock for one.The West Clare may be a possibility in the future as theres a certain amount of stock built so who knows. Andy