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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Somehow I don't think NRM will close, given the British people's love of their industrial heritage. They could have saved a lot by not p*ssing it away on the debacle that was the Flying Scotsman. The thing is a played-out money pit.
  2. Wonder what CIE crews made of them? Better (or worse) to operate compared to what they were used to? Imagine that steamers were a lot better looked after by Dundalk than by Inchicore.
  3. What routes and how far from their native system were they used by CIE in the pre-preservation era? Was there such things as runs for gauging or was it 'yerra f___ it tis grand'?
  4. Something to do with the Chester MRC T&DLR model layout that was exhibited in Dingle a while back?
  5. That violates just about every H&S regulation in the book as well as child labour laws!
  6. Yep, that the same 1 I found, but it's not really typical to find one jerry-rigged for weed spraying back in the day!
  7. Hi, looking for a pic, in book or elsewhere, of a good view of a milesman's/per way bogie. (iron wheels/timber frame) preferably in use? For a contact of mine who doing a little write up on it. Copyright will be requested and source will be credited. The only one I've found online so far is this...but it's not really the use for which a bogie was intended for! http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/gallery/ja_whitehead_weedtrain1971.html
  8. Let's face it...if Irish Railway modellers are a minority, then 21mm Irish is a minority within a minority.
  9. The little enamel one is a modern replica, I got the tie pin version of this selling at Fry Model Railway souvenir shop.
  10. That was the DUTC version of the snail, think 'iomchar' may be a portmanteau of 'iompair' (transport/transit) and 'car' (car/vehicle) there being no ready made word in Irish for 'tram' or 'tramways'. There were a lot of winged/flying wheels used in Europe (OBB in Austria had a very chunky stylised one) and elsewhere, but the Dutch one is uncannily similar to the Irish 'snail' albeit a bit elongated like the old Lima HO CIE logo.
  11. In the car park at Waterford. Thought it was an ordinary tank until I saw the lifting eyes and the sticky out bit in front.
  12. Looks the right shape and size, doesn't it? Well if it's been under an awning and painted, with oil sloshing around in it, sure why not?
  13. Have taken pics, just need to extract them from camera!
  14. To access the oil tank when oil firing was all the rage. BTW I think I may have spotted a vitually complete oil tender tank over the weekend now serving as heating oil storage.
  15. Hang on a sec...did the real Woolwiches not get the front steps put on?
  16. 'Video of the route made up of stills pieced together (those arty French!):' Apart from being arty, a great way of recording a disused line. A 'pretend' driver's eye view video.
  17. Bubbles. Bulleid opens/beet would have been my 2nd choice but Shapeways sent me double the amount I ordered for nowt.
  18. Changed my mind about the GNRI station building. Looking at pics I can't seem to find a small neat one, and they tend to have ornate awnings that look tricky to produce. Don't think it would fly, unless built up in 'modular' units that you could place end to end? I had been looking at souvenir Irish thatched cottages, most are pretty crude pastiche versions. https://ticktalkireland.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/claire-both.jpg
  19. Riversuir, may be a gap in the market there. A lot of the Anglican church models have castellations rather than the 4 spired tower of C.O.I. churches here. The Hornby Scaledale St Andrews church doesn't look too far off a small Irish Catholic design. Could do with more windows I think. The GNR brick buildings would be a tough ones to do from scratch, involve a lot of bodging different brick papers together I'd imagine. A worthy candidate and natural companion to the GNRI cabin. I had thought of a thatched cottage, wonder what scale those souvenir shop ones are???
  20. A GSR/CIE type concrete signal cabin? Also, some of the churches/creameries/national schools were really distinctive in design. Really nice little rural filling station/garage here. https://maps.google.ie/maps?q=ireland+national+school&hl=en&ll=52.22077,-8.503335&spn=0.000003,0.002733&safe=off&hq=ireland+national+school&hnear=Cork&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=52.220852,-8.503337&panoid=3u4kH3CvYU8kgjvjC2x46g&cbp=12,281.99,,0,6.45
  21. Maybe not, judging by the price of their Railcar 'B' lookalike!! http://www.precisionscalemodels.com.au/models/v-r-%E2%80%9Cwalker%E2%80%9D-rail-motor-102153-h-p-diesel-rail-car-trailer/ (VR blue and gold would look nice in Downpatrick??!!)
  22. Jhb, the LNWR locos were brought over by the DW&WR. 'Accoiding to Clements and McMahon six former Webb 2-4-2Ts were sold to the Dublin, Wicklow & Wexford Railway in 1902. The price was £1550 per locomotive. Nos. 59-63 were returned to Britain in 1916-17. No. 64 was acquired by the GSR, but before that it had participated in the Civil War when it was armoured and named Faugh-a-ballagh.For a time it was used at the Mallow sugar beet factory and led a protracted existence as a boiler for washing outs at Inchicore. The locomotive had begun as a 2-4-0T in 1877 and was rebuilt as a 2-4-2T in 1896. ' Other LNWR stock was used on the Dundalk, Newry & Greenore, a wholly owned subsidiary in modern speak, of the LNWR. Some Wolverton built 6 wheelers were sold off the DN&GR and saw further service on the Cork & Bandon section in GSR days at least. I imagine the wagons were the same as the LNWR ones? Also, the CB&SCR had a number of Beyer Peacock 0-6-0STs similar in design to those used on the LSWR. I think 1 or 2 of them made it into GSR times. Another oddball that made it into GSR stock and very early CIE days was former Allman's Distillery 0-4-0ST, a 'Beaufort' type Peckett a pretty much off the shelf product I think (apart from regauging) Having said that, all the above are not RTR, I'd imagine you could get LNWR 6 wheelers in kit form.
  23. If they don't lift them, CIE may be open to claims from walkers slipping and tripping on old sleepers and rails. As noted, Kilkenny CC funded this, with a view to a study of different options as to its re-use.
  24. I've seen one local news report about rails being removed in places by the scrap metal mob. If they don't lift it, it'll get 'lifted' anyway.
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