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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Would there have been much worthwhile to save that wouldn't need major rebuilding? Ex CIE locos were a kinda clapped out lot, compared to the nearly new BR Standards that got rescued from the scrapheap.
  2. There was a Belfast scrapyard, the name escapes me, that cut up the Courtauld's Pecketts and had a miniature loco knocking around for years under a mountain of scrap until it was rescued. http://www.rhdr.org.uk/pages/04.html
  3. What was the deal over this side of the water? Did CIE/UTA/NIR cut most of them up themselves or were there contractors involved? Were locos marooned after lifting in closed branches and ng lines sold to the local scrappie or were they lugged all the way back to Inchicore for disposal? Read somewhere that a number of old locos ended up in Spanish blast furnaces, CIE not being allowed export them as scrap described them as being working locos to get around this.
  4. The spectacle plate on the small arm is of an older GSR/CIE pattern (timber arm with alum sheet bolted on) than that on the big arm (made entirely of aluminium, CIE/IR/IE era) Imagine making the red section bigger would be erring on the side of *ahem* caution.
  5. You departed his conical-bore, tenor-voiced brass instrument?
  6. +1. I think it was the Sydney Olympics that the spoof mascot (Fatso the Fatar*ed Wombat) was more popular than the official Mascots. Getting back to Hornby, I never did understand why they churned out models of fairly esoteric stuff (the Holden tank and others) with poor detailing and scale speed 100mph motors that hardly changed in decades. Surely there's a huge gap in the market for a Peckett tank or similar popular industrial designs.
  7. +1 People still don't get it. I'm sorry but stock like this really does need to be undercover. Otherwise it's like a few other half-assed projects dotted around the country.
  8. scroll down for the 'Pony Express'! http://www.dublin.ie/forums/showthread.php?5372-Old-Photos-Of-Dublin/page1594
  9. Yes. The Mascots were the worst things ever. Weird-looking one-eyed yokes. Like the love child of a Teletubby and a Dalek.
  10. Anyone got any pics of these? For those who remember, Wanderly Wagon was an ex-CIE dray and the Irish Presidential Carriage was a CIE-built product.
  11. I seem to remember seeing a pic of one of the Inchicore 'cabs', a loco with attached coach effort in lined green somewhere in GSR days. Also a pic of a pre-'Bandon Tank' CBSCR tank loco with lining visible in GSR or early CIE days on the scrapline, possibly the battleship grey had weathered off from standing in the open? What was the reason for the removal of almost all GSR era numberplates AND private builder worksplates around WW2/Emergency? Suppose they all went into the melting pot?
  12. A Midland 2P = Dunluce Castle with little enough work I'd imagine.
  13. Looks closer to 'Argadeen' to my eye, lop off outside cylinders and fit pony truck?
  14. Odd-looking open wagons with flimsy sides aren't they?
  15. The originals of the species would run away just by looking at them, with a cab that was about as comfortable as a portaloo.
  16. The Passage one is as genuine as a €3 note. Hope you didn't shell out too much for it. The amount of repros of the GSWR variety has debased the price of the real thing. Plus the real one is (relatively) easy to come by, think of the sheer numbers of farmers' gates around the country they were once attached to.
  17. €50 absolute tops, IF it were the real deal. Seen this seller before, panders to a guillable US market. Complained that he listed a BR(M) sign as being Irish, he re-listed as being from 'Northern Ireland'. Pure chancer.
  18. It looks similar to an old style signal seen on GS&WR and CBSCR with a heavyish-looking spectacle, just paint the Sputnik thingy on top white.
  19. Fair play on your ability to decipher that mess. Waste of time teaching them joined-up writing in school. I thought it was a drawing of a caterpillar!
  20. For me, in no particular order and giving as best a geographical spread J15 aka 101 - the original all purpose, standardised, go anywhere locos. NCC 'Jeep' GM121 the pioneer GMs MGWR Class G2 - last 2-4-0s here or across the water and flying machines to boot GSR 500 class GNRI Class V Honourable mentions: GM 141/181 Woolwich Mogul (Rebuilt) A Class Metrovicks Overrated: 800 class Worse than useless: Sulzer 113 class
  21. Merlin got in on the act in a episode of 'Remington Steele' of all things!
  22. Don't know where exactly she was, but all it takes is 5 mins (or less) unattended.
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