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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Not the first cable theft...though it's been plaguing both preserved and Network Rail for a few years now across the water. http://www.joe.ie/news-politics/current-affairs/cable-theft-shuts-down-dart-services-0011753-1 http://www.nationalist.ie/news/local/cabling-theft-disrupts-rail-services-1-2568685 From memory crossing gates were taken at a couple of locations and rails taken from Campile I think.
  2. NOTHING will happen until the lead is stripped off the roofs of Stormont and Leinster House.
  3. There is/was a small pocket guide that may come up on Fleabay on occasion, Locomotives & Rolling Stock of Coras Iompair Eireann and Northern Ireland Railways by Doyle, O.;Hirsch. Has useful running no's, basic stats and dates of building etc., some pics, but they tend to be smallish and in b/w only. Have fond memories of WA, found orange and black GMs there too!
  4. They're not fictional. The b*stards got me Lucky Charms. Why do they call it a Casino when there's no one-armed bandits/roulette or any of that jazz in it?
  5. Interesting. Have a few GS&WR clerks entrance exam papers from 1919-1920 for Latin and (unusually for the time) Irish. The only Latin motto I can think of (apart from the Cork one in the CB&PR coat of arms) is in the UTA coat of arms 'Transportatio Cultum Significat' (Transport Is Civilisation)
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