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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Ah, they're back now. They were still missing yesterday. And they load much faster than they were doing in the latter part of the Old Days.
  2. As much as I dislike change, I will say that everything that we had is still there, albeit sometimes not where we remember it, but the many improvements are very worthwhile, particularly the photo uploading - no more Imgur links on here from me. I wonder if my old Imgur links will work again at some point in the future?
  3. There is ghostliness at Stradbally on Sunday -
  4. Just seen this - not much warning, but some might make it.
  5. Ah, right - that would explain the Allow Notifications again, too.
  6. Unless they believe the "page does not exist" message that I got and don't hunt further... And I'm having to sign in on return, even if I've ticked the Remember Me box. I also have to Allow Notifications every new visit.
  7. Yeah, I just wonder if some people will just think it is dead. It might be worth mentioning that new links may be necessary on the Facebook, Twitter output - and keeping an eye out for anybody who doesn't reappear.
  8. I see it now - I was looking at the bottom, in the old location (when I reported it still missing on Old Look a few minutes ago)
  9. The Favourites bar, running across the top of Chrome. my original link on there just took me to a Page of Death every time - finding the Forum via Google, then loading a new short-cut link has it all going again, after re-logging in. Luckily, I could remember the password... I still see no Main Page route to Letting Off Steam.
  10. I did struggle to get back in. My old Favourites link just took me to a Broken Page for the first attempts. Eventually, I had to search for the forum from basics, then log back in and replace the Favourite link with a new one. If anybody 'disappears' then it might be worth contacting them through another medium, where possible, in case they don't find their way back in.
  11. It seems to be still there, if you Search for posts, but i don't see it on the front page.
  12. Vast improvement on the image uploading - though my earlier Imgur links all seem to be dead.
  13. And I've discovered why I didn't spot it last year or three years ago - it's only on every second year...
  14. I don't see Letting Off Steam.
  15. My other forum also recognises when you have looked at a page with New posts on and doesn't continue to flag that page as New later on, but, if there are also New posts on the following page(s), then the New flag remains. Clicking on the alert for New posts on each thread takes you the the first new (unseen) post, rather than the most recent. It also recognises that a post that you have just posted is not a New post from your point of view and doesn't flag up a New post on that thread, unless there happens to also be one that you haven't seen.. Handy
  16. Should have done it on Monday and blamed Ophelia.
  17. http://www.staffordforum.com/xf/index.php - after you type @ in a post, as you type in further letters, it will suggest existing user names, which can be clicked, if the right one is suggested - much as happens here in the Search, when looking for something from a particular user. Example here - http://www.staffordforum.com/xf/index.php?threads/flu-jab.18851/#post-355675 - user Gramaisc will have had an alert waiting the next time the forum was accessed. He could even arrange for an email alert in addition.
  18. Tagging a member into a post - by adding @ in front of their name - has been very useful on my other forum. They get an alert that they have been mentioned in a post.
  19. Ooooh, a lot of my bits here have gone turquoise, when they were green. Don't let the framework go black - or someone will complain....
  20. A job for Special Branch, I think.
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