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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Some details of No. 2. The Office. The view.
  2. The main event, of course, was No. 2 in stem.
  3. Well, having attempted to lure the recently released Heir Flick to this, it turned out that he was still under house arrest. It was a nice day and the attendance was quite steady, with quite a bit of variety and activity to keep all ages interested. The new water tower has appeared since my last visit. And new signs. And old ones. Future projects lie on the store yard. Current stock was on display.
  4. In Dunamase Antiques, on Main Street, Port Laoise, is a curved brass plate, about 18" wide and 15" high, which looks like it was attached to a large pillar or column by screws around the edges. It bears the inscription - Irish Transport Manager I didn't see a price and I didn't want to seem too interested, in case anybody was about to hurry down the motorway for it.
  5. Well, I have finally received mine, in the sense that I have arrived at where I had them delivered to. A few points come to mind. 1, The brakes seem to be seized in the off position. 2, The ballast delivery gates are stuck shut - I was hoping to automate the brakes and the gates via DCC control. 3, There seems to have been little thought given to fitting smoke units which could be used to simulate the dust from filling operations. Other than these points, they seem quite good - and the boxes are OK, too. Keep up the good work.
  6. He seems to have escaped again...
  7. This year's event is next Saturday, the 16th.
  8. I understand that he has been recaptured...
  9. http://www.kralovstvi-zeleznic.cz/en/ in Prague is worth a look, if you're in the area.
  10. I thought you might have had a tip off.
  11. There is quite a subculture out there - http://www.british-ho.com/ .
  12. Barberstown level crossing "destroyed" by a tractor today - much disruption as a result.
  13. This implies there may be something to see in Connolly, if anybody is going past.
  14. Nobody minds simple questions - it's the hard ones that are the problem...
  15. You're getting it confused with where Stalin used to send people he that wasn't totally keen on.
  16. It is essentially a denser version of watercolour media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gouache
  17. Excellent idea! You could use an Olfa plastic cutter in a similar manner - drawing it, held at an angle, along a straight edge. http://www.olfa.com/plastic-laminate-cutter-%28pc-l%29/1090486.html
  18. I have a memory of this being a crossing in the 70s.
  19. Where I worked, we had an Environmental Chamber, if you timed it right with the weather and ran it flat out for a few days, you could get it down to -55C and up to +55C, both of which were fairly entertaining, even for short periods. In Cyprus, I (stupidly) put my hand on the wing of a matt grey Austin 1800 and managed to peel it off just before big damage was done, but it still blistered the whole palm and fingers. The blister popped at the the wrist and for a couple of days, I had the ability to inflate and deflate my hand at will, by blowing and sucking at the vent of the blister. Solar cigarette lighters were a popular and quite reliable gadget.
  20. It is actually even better in 'real life'. The pier is as good as you'll ever see. Anybody with the means should consider an attempt to attend next year, I think.
  21. Excellent - quick work - lucky it wasn't spotted whilst you were still in the school, you might have had to stay behind.
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