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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. It'll be OK to run a couple of trains over this... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-38992241
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222408774810?ul_noapp=true Looks like he actually has two pairs.
  3. Just come across this on Twitter. https://twitter.com/pskins1/status/831128535448301568
  4. We have some seats, over here on the big island, that the CIA use because it's less messy than waterboarding.
  5. Ha - that was me hassling a friend that doesn't like moths, previous to spotting the Finnyus picture - I really must pay more attention and actually copy the right link...
  6. And IÉ have just used a picture by our own Finnyus. This link - (Not this one - https://www.facebook.com/pg/artisvito2/photos/?tab=album&album_id=953954684680090 - see below)
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1372785/Runaway-mail-train-hits-coal-wagons.html
  8. The radius looks to be about 80 metres....
  9. It's been edited - maybe the price was added in as a result of the request? Well, that's what I suspect has happened.
  10. Arrived just now - perfect timing - nipped out and got back just as the postman was coming up the street. Perfect condition and nicely packed - I'll be sending my Christmas presents to Northman for his wrapping services.
  11. PM sent - the old Coal Traders ones don't pop up so often these days..
  12. I had to use the 'big camera' this year - can't get sneaky arm's-length shots with it, but the place seemed slightly less crowded than previous years. The general standard is still rising - such that nothing really stood out above the rest. I couldn't keep track of layout names, but it's included in the shot where it was a viable proposition.
  13. We had the usual potential for entertainment in the car-park swamps. I had my annual sausage roll, still as good as ever, though constructed to a different loading gauge this year. Well worth a visit, if you're in the vicinity - plenty big and much more civilised than Warley.
  14. As always, I finally got there today. A few pictures to give a general idea of what was on offer.
  15. Don't go mad now - think of our pockets....
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