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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. We have to be nice to you now and then - we might even make it an annual event.
  2. A marvellous image - two views when I saw it, but I've spread it round over here, too...
  3. That's the one Broithe, cheers! Oooh, great! What have I won?
  4. I understand that was actually a double celebration available.
  5. They seem to be in various locations - there's a list here - http://www.swindonsotherrailway.co.uk/photos.html - that might help in searching for particular ones.
  6. Free Nelson (the scholar)...... ..that's what I say..
  7. It's the thought that counts - and you obviously need supervision....
  8. You see, if it was further away, I would make more effort.
  9. To my eternal shame, I live about 25 miles away and I've never been on the SVR - I can always go some other time.....
  10. Spectacular bus fire in London today - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-31998937 .
  11. Good man - tell 'her' I said you could have an extra shilling this week. It might help somebody find it in the future - like me, for instance....
  12. I doubt they would even let you in. I've had it a few times, but not with actual coppers (yet). One of the problems is that the definition of 'public place' is very woolly here - it can depend upon whether they think it's public or not. It can be impossible for the ordinary person to know if they are in a public place or not, or whether it is a highway or private land - and the 'security' person hassling them often doesn't really know either. I had a part in a film and we accidentally filmed in a non-public part of a shopping area - the bouncer got very agitated about it - we got him to define where the boundary was and filmed on the edge of it - there was no real issue, just him being a jobsworth. I had a bloke run out of a school and tell me that I couldn't take a photograph of it without paying for the right. I was on the highway and he was talking rubbish. I suggested that he write down his (illegal) demand for money from me, whilst I explained the law on obstruction of the highway. This went on for a while - I still have a picture somewhere of him trying to jump in the way of my picture of the building.
  13. This will be very useful to anybody going this route - it might be worth somebody with access correcting the typo in the title heading, for when this gets searched for, as I'm sure that it will for some time to come.
  14. You can find yourself in this situation - it's often about them "being seen to be doing something" and then being reluctant to back down when their lack of lawful authority is challenged. You've probably got rather less of this sort of problem over there. It can be a lot worse than this.
  15. You can get quite a lot of interference over here, in all sorts of situations, from people who will decide that you can be treated as a potential terrorist - http://www.digitalcameraworld.com/2012/04/14/photographers-rights-the-ultimate-guide/ - you can't even directly ring a station here, just national call-centres. It's dropped off a bit in recent years, but you do need to know the real rules and stand your ground.
  16. ..and closed again - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-31985102 .
  17. "Sun kinks" were a problem, even with jointed rails, in very hot weather. The straighter the track, the more of an issue it is, you can 'lose' some expansion on bends. There's often an issue with track on bridges, where the structure may expand at a greatly different rate to the track.
  18. There is what could be a weld fillet in the top, immediately above the break in the bottom. I wonder if there has been an extension welded in at some point, and the tensile part has failed, propagating to the weld up the back of the web with the shackle through it? Looking through the gaps in the wheels, it does appear that both sides have failed in similar ways.
  19. Just walk round to the other side of your iPad.
  20. I looked to see where you were a while back - you'll be lucky if you can get last month's Farmers Journal in colour...
  21. "This is a near miss, that was a far away miss..."
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