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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Yes, but they aren't really fishplates, so Rail Joiners is a better description.... You can also get plastic ones, for where you might want an isolated section. Cosmetic plastic fishplates are available for the right 'look'.
  2. If buying flexi-track, don't forget to get enough joiners, as well......
  3. That's the beauty of Streamline - you can have a closer spacing on the straights and 'slide' the spacing wider on the bends, as necessary.
  4. In 00 4mm is one foot - a tenth of an inch is 2.5 mm, or 5/8 of a foot, which is 5 times 1.5 inches, or 7.5 inches - a bit over-sized. Somewhere around 5 or 5.5 inches seems about right, in real life.
  5. I've never had any trouble bending Peco 100 Streamline flexi-track in either direction.
  6. Streamline is a trade-name for Peco's flexitrack system and its associated points, slips and crossovers. I think the term is used because you can sweep bends more realistically than with fixed-curve Setrack. The rail on code 100 is 100/1000th of an inch high and Code 75 is 75/1000ths high. Fine scale is a generic term for things that are more scale-accurate - thus, 75 track is more "fine scale" than 100 is.
  7. Looks great, D C. A vertical shot of the real thing might be of interest.
  8. I once spent ages trying to get an old loco running on 100 to stop ticking - only to eventually find that the noise was not in the mechanism, but came from the flanges hitting the chairs..
  9. New stuff will run on 100 or 75 - older stuff will prefer100 - some really old wheels will argue even on 100.
  10. Get one of these to keep things (almost) running.
  11. Anybody that hasn't seen this should make the effort.
  12. Not really, there's a good few about on the net, though - little has changed, really - the footbridge has been replaced, the signal box and the engine shed have gone. The track layout has been radically simplified. I've never seen a picture with the engine shed in view...
  13. Ballybrophy had everything - https://plus.google.com/photos/105618325540295927305/albums/5222995821547314129?banner=pwa - the remains of the turntable were still visible up to recently - .
  14. We do get the odd bank-burst, if you want to model that.....
  15. That one in that picture is just one that I saw on a layout once, not being offered for sale. Lots of canals around me, and the symmetry of the lock stood out, if you see them all the time. The correct, asymmetric, lock just "looks wrong" to some people, if they aren't used to them.
  16. And, of course, many rural dwellers were poor enough before the cities started to grow and drew even more wealth away. Then the rich from the cities started to buy their 'rural retreats'. I once lived in a stone cottage in the Cotswolds that would have been a slum a hundred years ago, but would cost you seven figures to buy today...
  17. A lot of the Northern cities in England used to be the richest, in the days of wool, steel, coal, shipbuilding, etc. Now that's largely all gone and the wealth they created is still around, but it's mostly in the South, where people get paid for counting it. Same sort of thing as JHB says, but on a larger scale.
  18. Also, these were often former industrial areas, with rail access being important at one time - but, the industries have largely gone, and the wealth with them...
  19. Economics - cheap land and housing for workers built around it - management lived away in the 'better' areas...
  20. Do remember not to include this sample of your work, if you send your CV to the Tourist Board....
  21. I note that Heirflick hasn't made any input - I suspect that he doesn't get a good signal at his new place.....
  22. A lot can depend upon how confident you are of the permanence of your location - my intention is to move twice more - and I'll be in the box on the second of those moves.... Plywood can be noisy and foam is quieter, if that matters to you. There's a lot of issues - personal preferences can be important factors.
  23. We are still talking trains here...?
  24. I wonder if, sometimes, it can be better to tell 'her' that you paid twice the actual amount - and then reveal the truth? A sort of "drawing fire" technique. Could somebody actually try this and let us know (if they still can) what happened...
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