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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Nothing to do with me - I never touched it, Sir! Compresser disc came out of the far engine - all fuelled up, too much of a fire to do much about. They had an ATC cadet aboard, in the back, his parachute opened when trying to get through the hatch, adding greatly to the excitement. The two drivers had ejection seats, but no use at ground level, it's all five out through the hatch... The three in the back had a hard time evacuating a Vulcan in flight, often there would be three fatalities. There was a move to provide ejection seats for them, but it came to nothing in the end. The structure would only allow one hatch and so a sequential system was envisaged, the central seat out first, followed by each of the side seats, after it had been moved to the empty central position. A rig was built, but it never even got to flight-testing.
  2. There is mention of "postiche", in terms of the landscaping. Google tells me this is a term for a hairpiece - I am considering this to be a personal attack. Any further information...? Page 318, under "Scenery", bottom left corner.
  3. Broithe

    RIP Bob Symes

    Nice obituary on page 355 of the current, April 2015, edition of Railway Modeller*. *The one with Arigna Town in.
  4. You can use fibre optics to form "light guides" to carry light from one LED to several different locations. This is sometimes even done using transparent mouldings, rather than "wires". I had one running from the back light on my bike to the handlebars, so that I could tell when the bulb wasn't lit. I run LED lights now and don't have the problem.
  5. I'm using a desktop PC with Chrome via Vista and I have no real problems on this site, if that is of any interest to the techy boys.
  6. Had them going over the house for a few years, you do get used to it. Did lose a Thermos flask to one once, the noise just broke the glass liner. If a Vulcan catches fire, sometimes you just have to bugger off and leave it to burn... ..the two extra tanks and the engines are still there, the rest might patch up..
  7. Excellent work. Thanks for all your efforts.
  8. Yeah, I realise now - I got carried away - I should have suggested sixpence. Sssshh, tell people that it's a very specialist weathering technique - that simulates the fading that exposure to the Sun produces over many years. It's very hard to achieve and is really only recommended for real experts.
  9. Derailed in Montana, moving fuselages between assembly plants - http://www.wsj.com/articles/boeing-assessing-damage-to-aircraft-components-after-train-accident-1404584812 .
  10. They weren't expecting this, either....
  11. They have to take the wings off for the tunnels....
  12. I went to school with a "Jinty", whose real name, I presume, was Virginia. It might have been spelt "Ginty", but names like that are rarely written down.
  13. And, if you need to run a hose over that level crossing....
  14. Reading up on the Soviet Buran shuttle this morning, I can see where you're coming from...
  15. I had a proper read of it last night and it seemed very good to me. Also, it was nice to see this Forum credited - I assume the Boss will be slipping you a fiver. Well done all round. I look forward to getting my copy signed one day, if you ever venture a bit further northwards.
  16. The Wrenn Boy will have made an offer by now.....
  17. Only problem I've had on any Murphy item is one slightly wobbly wheel on a 201. Never had any Heljan stuff to compare.
  18. A fine job - tell Mrs 84C that I said you should have an extra shilling pocket money this week.
  19. My source says "CIE have released funds for work" on the County Bounds Bridge - https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?cid=720795471579284272&q=Errill,+Co.+Laois,+Ireland&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Errill,+County+Laois,+Ireland&ll=52.845731,-7.721415&spn=0.022887,0.038581&t=h&z=15&vpsrc=6&layer=c&cbll=52.845842,-7.722093&panoid=itdVcl1Qkodod3nwN0jwZQ&cbp=12,69.03,,1,6.46 - just by the old Lisduff station. I don't know what they actually intend to do.
  20. I can't be the only one that saw "New Waterford Layout" and got all excited - I did wonder why it was in the Prototype section... ..I expected it in Irish Model Layouts.. ...until I actually read it...
  21. If only it had been the Tu 126, NATO Codename "Moss", it would have only needed one extra letter....
  22. Got my copy - looks very nice. Finally stopped pouring rain and I ventured out.....
  23. They were there at Heuston, as were the Trains May Pass At Speed signs, which always amused me. As I see that I've also said above.....
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