I had cause to deliver some stuff to South Eastern Finecast a few years back and had a good tour of the facilities - flush glazing packs are one of his staple lines - http://www.sefinecast.co.uk/Flushglaze%20Windows/Flushglaze%20Windows%20Page%201.htm
I understand that my agent has made contact with you telephonically and requested one for himself, too, as a result of me sending him a picture of it. He'll now be negotiating for sufficient time off to make the collection trip...
Can you hang on to one for me? I'll be in before Christmas, if my agent doesn't venture in in the meantime - wave one at him, too, if he appears....
Yeah, doable, just, but it wouldn't be the best result. I got some transparent sheets for overhead projectors and they are great for windows of all sizes.