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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. I would have marked them down for blowing the window in when the door was open...
  2. Nobody expects the ERU - or the Spanish Inquisition...
  3. If it's going to be a coal-powered thing (or even oil - or turf!), then they'll need to get it into production quickly - before it gets banned.
  4. I was once hugely mystified by Currys* - I used to run a few rented houses for people and one day I got a text out of the blue. "This is Knowhow** - we're delivering your fridge at 1:30pm, please ensure somebody will be there" I had no idea who 'Knowhow' might be and had not ordered a fridge from anybody. Eventually, the internet revealed that it was Currys and I assumed that one of the owners had ordered a fridge and given them my mobile number. Simple. No! I still didn't know who had ordered this fridge and, thus, which house 'somebody' was supposed to be at - and Knowhow weren't inclined to answer me, either. Eventually, it turned up at one of the houses and the tenant happened to be in at the time, so they rang and asked me if it was meant to be there - I took a wild guess and said "Yes". * "Currys" really annoys me - it should either be Curry's or Curries, surely? ** In my days of dealing with Currys, they had an offshoot called Mastercare, that dealt with their aftersales 'service' They had a slogan "We make it work". I bought a CD player in the mid 80s, but it developed a difficult fault, only after being on for a few hours. They insisted they could fix it, rather than replacing it, but they only got one go at it every working day and it dragged on for weeks, into months. They stopped even answering the phone to me and our communications ended up as weekly letters - I got so fed up that I started using a modified copy of their notepaper for my letters Bastardcare - we make it worse. I eventually got it back from them and fixed it myself.
  5. There have been test-runs through Ballybrophy, they're just waiting for the speed limit to be dropped from 90 to 88mph.
  6. 'Landlord' often seems an odd term to me, particularly in the current state of the UK 'pub industry', where the landlord is usually a tenant.
  7. I believe that there was only ever one grease nipple for the models, and it is in China.
  8. In the UK, some years ago now, 'Royal' Mail charged me £8 to collect the £3 that a Japanese item that they assessed as being £15.05 on the day was liable to, when £15.00 was the threshold. Turning £15 into £26.
  9. I went on a stag do in Tamworth, not far away, but just not a place anybody ever went to - the victim of the wedding came from there and we were staying overnight at his parents, who I had never met before. They were out when we arrived, and not back before we set out on the evening's events. Considerable imbibement later, we set off back to the house. Somehow, I got separated suddenly and found myself utterly lost. I had a vague idea of where I was and what direction the house should be in. I was helped in setting my course by the fact that I could see the lights of the Sutton Coldfield TV mast, so I set off, using that as my guiding star. After a while, finding myself in open countryside and with my way blocked by a sizable river, I came to the revelation that the mast I was navigating by was actually the Hopwas mast, and I had been going about 180 degrees out. By now it was about 4am and I could see the lights of a decent sized town, which I took to be Lichfield - it looked plausible to proceed towards it, and the riverbank was useful for a large part of the journey. Eventually, I found myself in a large town, but it had a castle, which meant it wasn't Lichfield. Investigations of some shopfronts indicated that I was actually back in Tamworth. I decided to look in the phone book in a phone box, which happened to be across from the police station. It was not going to be easy to find a number for the house, as the surname was Clarke and I didn't know his father's first name. By this time, a copper was interrogating me with a view to detaining me for a public order offence - I had to find the right number - now. The marriage victim always used his second name, but I knew what the first one was and guessed that that was also his father's, which it was - and he answered, driving out to pick me up, much to the chagrin of the copper, who had hung around to 'collect' me, if my story turned out to be a con trick. By this stage, it was about 4:30am and this was the first time that I had ever met the father, who was a headmaster - he did seem to think that it was all bit bit of a hoot, though.
  10. Before Beeching, one of my aunts got a train from Bristol, intending to go to Wellington in Somerset, not a huge journey. It seemed to take a good bit longer than she was expecting. But, in the end, she got off at Wellington. In Shropshire.
  11. Broithe

    Beatles tracks...

    Or Bachmann Turner Overdrive...? Bruce? And his Range, as well? You're getting them mixed up with Hornsby. Bruce is a one-hit wonder, I'd say that at his concerts he sings the same song over and over again for about two hours. That's just the way it is...... I remember a chap I worked with once describing a task as being "as tedious and futile as being Bruce Hornsby's drummer" - once you're aware of it, it's all you can hear.
  12. Broithe

    Beatles tracks...

    Bruce? And his Range, as well?
  13. Broithe

    Beatles tracks...

    Well, wagons, really. These interesting examples of cross-over marketing seem to have hit the shelves. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02KNqZk5eZCT1xsXzvEvfurShca8TzDeW9nJYoDcWgD8NTnLxAUmcF7riqxqHsoC7Bl&id=289396587829410
  14. The one time I went, it was like being an extra in a Cecil B DeMille battle scene.
  15. On RTÉ1 at 9:35pm next Monday, December 5th. Might be of some interest,
  16. Facebook comes up with 'five people' called Tara Mines. Some of them might be real, but I can't be held responsible if any of them are a bit dicky.
  17. There is an island bench in the middle of the shed which is just a 'pile of stuff' at the moment. Eventually, it will have this ex-school workbench with a plywood extension behind it. It'll be raised to the same height as the main bench along the back wall and provide a decent open workspace. Thinking about the external insulation possibilities, the side with the window faces square east, and the side with the double doors faces south. There's a good bit of solar input on any half-decent day - the doors, particularly, get quite warm - so, I might just insulate the north and (shaded) west sides. Painting the sunny walls a bit darker has been on the cards anyway, as the glare is a bit trying in the summer. But, the glazing-in of the window/greenhouse space looks very enticing for the future. The north wall is fully blank and the west wall has only the woodburner flue and the gas pipe defacing its smoothness.
  18. Storage/retrieval is a serious issue, that you do have to confront, as best you can. One thing I have been doing is mounting 'occasional' machinery on plywood plates, so they can be clamped (almost) anywhere when needed and stored away when the empty bench-space is more useful. They can then be used around the main shed or in the greenhouses. The plates have an M6 T-nut sunk flush into the bottom of the plate and threaded rod to pull the machine down firmly.
  19. I used to do the odd job for a chap who was deaf and blind, but I learnt to 'speak' to him via this "manual texting" system. The letters were tapped out on his hand and, knowing that I could hear, he would guess where it was going, almost always correctly - the only viable predictive text that I ever encountered. This could be accepted or rejected - one palm-tap for yes or two for no. I knew someone else that could do it and it was possible to 'text' her across a crowded pub, expressing a strong opinion about someone actually in the room, without them having any idea what was being 'said'.
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