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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. This is all getting a bit like the time, in 1972, when Dieter Meier installed a plaque in the paving outside Kassel station, declaring that he would stand there for an hour, in 1994. Which, 22 years later, he did... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieter_Meier#Artist
  2. Some retailers, dealing in the sort of stuff that comes in large boxes, can be happy for you to remove some for yourself. Worth asking at some likely local "suppliers". The worst that is likely to happen is being told 'No'. If this works, it can be worth considering what the box "looks like it might contain", if is is printed for the original use. A Dutch cycle manufacturer dropped the amount of damage they got in transit by the simple change of slightly altering the image on the box. Originally, it showed a picture of a bicycle - they changed this to the same picture of the bike, but showed it on the screen of a large, flat TV. People stopped flinging them around quite so enthusiastically.
  3. I've just had this, from IÉ. Parking at Iarnród Éireann Stations Over 80% of Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail train stations have car parking facilities. Some car parks may be free, some are provided by the local council, but a vast number of car parks at our stations are APCOA managed carparks. In the Station Information section on irishrail.ie customers travelling to the station by car can check the parking facilities available, how to pay for parking, the number of disabled car parking sites and if the station has EV charging facilities. Simply input your chosen station and scroll down to Parking & Transport Links. APCOA Pay and Display Machines will be removed from Iarnród Éireann car parks over the coming weeks. Customers parking at Iarnród Éireann stations that have APCOA managed car parks can pay for parking in 4 ways: 1. The APCOA Connect App is the simplest way to pay. 2. Parking can be purchased through the APCOA Connect website. 3. Scan the QR code that is located on posters in the carpark. This will bring you to a payment page for your station 4 . Purchase parking from Ticket Vending Machines in stations. Customer opting to pay for parking at TVM’s should ensure to input the correct vehicle registration number to the TVM. You will not be required to return to your car to display the parking ticket as the vehicle registration number input to the TVM will be added to the APCOA system. This excludes the car park at Navan Road Parkway Station which is privately owned. For more information on car parking at our stations please see irishrail.ie
  4. Are you storing these reissues in a suitable environment?
  5. It should be noted that the stamping doesn't occur until the recipient is wearing the hat.
  6. Excellent! All is not lost. She has remembered to confiscate his camera before sending off to the Gulag. Phew...
  7. Mmm, someone has posted elsewhere using his log-in... I suspect she's shoved him over the Russian border and is now back home, enjoying the peace and quiet.
  8. An excellent suggestion for a corporate uniform style.
  9. A solar eclipse is just starting. Is this an omen?
  10. 'Scow' would be a widespread term for all sorts of boats of a barge/lighter style, from the Dutch word, but with an anglicised spelling - you'll hear it in a lot of the English speaking world - I suspect even 'schooner' is a development from it.
  11. We used to think that about Irish railways...
  12. All this TT stuff - will they be doing Manx Railways then? I'm not sure about TT120, but I had a pair of TT100s on the Honda once, and they were OK.
  13. Anyway, they wouldn't be redundant kits, as a result of forthcoming RTR products. The would be heritage models. It's all about presentation...
  14. We demand an announcement about the forthcoming pre-announcement of the actual announcement. Perhaps somebody could announce when we might expect this to happen?
  15. New bloke for me yesterday, neither of the two that I've had for the last few years.
  16. I had a delivery on the Big Island yesterday, via Evri, which I think is a new name for Hermes, to try and lose the past reputation? Although, I personally never really had a problem with them.
  17. Mmm, have you actually seen the tickets? Has she definitely got a return for you..?
  18. Good tools are money in the bank, if you are to use them in the future.
  19. That sign reminds of driving a van back from Prague on my own, after a friend had moved there. A day of driving a RHD van on the wrong side of the road, with no rear windows, plus all the associated dealings in Czech, German and French, had my head still spinning when I came down for breakfast the next morning in Dunkirk, before heading for the tunnel. Getting access to the breakfast required me to state my room number. It was 229. I told the poor woman that it was "dva, zwei, neuf" - and she didn't bat an eyelid.
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