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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. When I saw this yesterday, I was initially concerned that it was a CAB seizure of somebody's "high value goods".
  2. Phew, i thought my eyes had gone funny*. * Funnier...
  3. Just learn a few phrases - I'm sure you would get away with it. It looks easy enough:- Повторіть, будь ласка. Будь ласка, говоріть повільно. Probably easier than Kerry...
  4. I'm just looking at the size of that antibiotic capsule. I hope it's not for a sore throat.
  5. @leslie10646 will be along shortly to deal with your query.
  6. Great work! Time to get a bigger camera.
  7. I think we need a vote on that...
  8. Excellent! - articulated? - suitable for posing? - does it come with a pouch?
  9. Beautiful models - the figure on the tank looks almost real.
  10. I've been around a good bit longer and used to admit to 14, but I've had a hard couple of years and will accept 15 now.
  11. If you enjoy doing the landscape and aren't keen on complicated trackwork or buildings.
  12. And there were camping coaches at one time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camping_coach
  13. One of my 'claims to fame' is that I've never been arrested by anybody without a gun. By far the most dangerous one also involved a bayonet, and was the only time that I felt that I was really in danger. All I was doing was watching a Cyprus Airways Trident doing circuits and bumps.
  14. You could always defend yourself by asserting that you are "a trainspotter, a loner, an anorak, a nerd with no friends". I'm sure a few of us could easily convince people of the veracity of that position. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-16760464 Unfortunately, i can't find how that case finalised.
  15. A survey yesterday revealed that the car park is pretty much finished, with just a bit of wall still to rebuild, but it's operational in full. With additional spaces on the resurfaced access road. In total there are around a hundred spaces now. Plus these covered cycle spaces. There is no sign of a ticket machine (yet), it may be the intention to have the whole system 'online'. The notices suggest various methods of doing this. There wasn't really anything of an actual 'railway nature' to report on at all, this time. A rather circuitous route home allowed me to include Bridge 202, just this side of Templemore. This, again, looks like a replaced beam structure on original abutments, but it was hard to get much of a picture of the 'outside' of the bridge. Apart from the obvious 'rustic' panels, a lot of the original stonework to either side was replaced by 'modern' concrete blocks, although the ivy was hiding a lot of that. From there, I headed back towards safety via Lisduff, where there was no activity going on. I did record these access pads ... ... and some sort of monitoring device.
  16. I have now added 'rail tour organiser' to my CV.
  17. Have you gone? We expect postcards and sticks of rock.
  18. There is one through train on the way back from Tralee to Charleville, but it's probably too late for a 'day trip'.
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