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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. 1 change - Mallow, I would presume.
  2. This is what I see for tomorrow, that might be possible for a day trip. Charleville Tralee 10:59 12:58 12:58 14:58 Tralee Charleville 13:05 15:02 15:05 17:02 17:05 19:02
  3. On the Big Island, I sometimes pick people up at the station in Stafford, on the WCML. I once heard a perfectly serious announcement - The train approaching Platform One is the delayed 15:35 train to London Euston. This train may go no further than Watford Junction - I was the only person who laughed at it, everybody else thought it was 'normal'. I went to pick someone up on a train from Euston to Liverpool at 7pm. She is not the 'most reliable of people', but had been put on the train in London by her daughter, so we stood a good chance. The train came in about on time and was announced as the seven o'clock train to Liverpool - fair enough - but, my charge was not on the train. It was a short London Midland and easy enough to search. My charge also had no mobile phone. I was left with no choice but to inform her daughter that she was just not there. There was only one stop on the way, at Rugby, which does look a bit similar... Anyway, it turned out that she was actually on the train, miles away, stationary in the countryside somewhere near Tamworth. The train I had searched was actually an hour late and should have been there at 6pm, but it looked enough like the 7pm to be announced as that, avoiding the word 'delayed' - it mattered to nobody but me. I once heard "That's the Cork train coming in now" at Port Laoise, to the point and concise. At Oxford, I heard an announcement that said "Please pay no attention to the information screens, all the details on there are wrong and we can't even turn them off" - the staff member on my platform seemed unconcerned about this aspect, now that it was 'solved', until I asked him what they were going to do about deaf people - or all those foreign tourists over there, studying the details on the screen... I heard an announcement at Birmingham International, serving the airport. I had no idea what it was and having flown in from Prague, I wondered if it might even be Czech, knowing that there would be a few Czechs on the platform. I asked the Czech girl next to me and she said it wasn't Czech, but she didn't have any idea what it was. About a minute later, it was repeated, and I managed to pick out enough to realise that it was in English.
  4. The brazier thing often seems a bit odd to me. Both in model form and in real life, you often see braziers that are only going to warm parts that are empty of water, unless water is actually flowing, when it wouldn't matter anyway. This one at Henley-in-Arden is a case in point - in this situation, there would be no water above the bottom of the horizontal section. and the heat is going to be of little use to the bit that does have water in, the vertical column, up to the bottom of the horizontal section. I suppose you could get a frozen blockage there, if you had a slow leak that froze and built up over time..?
  5. Ballybrophy, if it's of interest. The chain is 'hooked', to avoid the possibility of it swinging around in the wind, into the path of a passing train.
  6. I spent a lot of my youth messing about in old bomb shelters. Most were, as you say, earth-banked - this provided added loose mass to 'soften' the blast, and a bit of 'shape' to allow it to pass, having less effect. I was never happy that few of these place had a secondary access - so, if the door became blocked, the occupants would be left in the hands of those outside, who may have other priorities, by that stage. I have seen it suggested, with an air of confidence, that more people may have died in the UK from TB contracted in shelters than may have been saved from death due to the bombing - who knows? If you ask people on the Big Island where in the UK, outside London, had the greatest WW2 bombing casualties, by far the most likely answer is Coventry, when it was Belfast, by a long way.
  7. Interesting stuff. Could be more interesting, if you were snorkelling in the wrong place...
  8. Those Seacell containers are owned by a woman, but you can buy them off her, from her place down on the coast. She sells Seacells by the seashore.
  9. I remember a story a while back, before the Y2K bug fixes got going, about a chap who was booked in for some significant dental work. The system generated a letter, based on his birth date, which only had space for the last two digits of the year, as was normal practice in the last century, until the millennium was on the horizon. The letter instructed him that he should be accompanied by at least one parent or guardian. He was unable to comply with this requirement, as he had no 'guardian' and he wasn't 8 years old, as the system had assumed, but 108 years old, and both his parents were unfortunately unavailable.
  10. Broithe

    Fan grille

    Very fine black nylon mesh may be used in lingerie applications. If you spot a likely-looking potential user, ask her if you can just have a quick look - do make clear that it is specifically for research purposes.
  11. I'm glad to see that you were being proactive. This sort of thing needs to be nipped in the bud. https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2015/01/winnie-the-pooh-stabbing
  12. With a proper exercise programme, you should soon be able to bend down far enough to reach the bottom shelf. However, before you get carried away with the success, you also need to work on the second stage, so that you can get back up again.
  13. The light from the window, reflected in the 'damp' setts - marvellous. I can almost hear Ena Sharples on the harmonium at the Mission, with Minnie Caldwell's cat, Bobby, snoozing on the fence.
  14. Continental Modeller always looked a bit shady to the uninformed observer.
  15. Mmm, it's completely beyond me why it thinks there is 'potentially sensitive content', it seems fairly safe to me...
  16. Broithe


    For anti-phasing to occur from speakers using two different sources, for more than a very short period, they would also have to start at exactly the same time and continue at exactly the same speed of delivery. It's easy enough to cause it when setting up speakers on a stereo system, i.e., from one source - my local Dixons shop used to do it all the time. I fixed it for them a few times, but I don't think the lad ever really understood, and I gave up. From two sources, you can get 'beating', but this will happen in real life anyway. It's usually more noticeable with the the lower frequencies. Anti-phasing is how noise-cancelling headphones work, they listen to the noise and, if it's regular, drive the speaker in the opposite phase by an appropriate amount. I'd always fancied a pair, but I wasn't going to fork out for the Bose ones - then Lidl had them for under a tenner. They were surprisingly good, against a steady noise. Turning them on in the car was almost alarming, as it induced almost total silence, like I'd left the runway...
  17. You're probably right. His zinc levels look OK, but he might need a bit of iron?
  18. Excellent! Especially with the impending spell of hot weather in the offing.
  19. Stone from Campion's Quarry being tipped at the end of the siding by the bridge at Lisduff. Camion's have the south-eastern side of the hill.
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