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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. This is where it was - were the remains far from that location? https://brownesphotography.photoshelter.com/image/I0000RsjCwu5vggo
  2. I was hoping that they would take the opportunity of their refound 'freedom' to return to proper money - £/s/d. I still have the programme installed in my head and often revert to it in some circumstances. I saw an item at a boot sale - I would have given him two pounds for, at a push. I asked the bloke, who was a good bit older than me "How much for that?" "What's it worth to you?" was his reply. "I'll give you thirty bob", I said, leaving room for manoeuvre. "Oh, no!", he replied, "I want at least fifty pence for it" So, I pretended to reluctantly give him a quarter of what he could have had. I can still work in Fahrenheit and the more common obsolete units that are still in circulation there. Interestingly (perhaps?), I think of the summer in Fahrenheit and the winter in Celsius...
  3. If it's of any interest, this is mine after I disembowelled the box this morning. Totally pristine - wrapped in about twelve feet of bubble wrap.
  4. 124 has arrived here - despite the bank wondering why I should be buying such a frivolous item and holding the payment for a while - all sorted now, I hope. I've only looked into the box so far - and found it to be a bit bigger than I was expecting, although I've never seen one in real life - the 'single-ended' style being more of a 'little engine' thing in my head, I suppose. I've never been much of a fan of unboxing videos, but I think I'll investigate before trying to get it out...
  5. Indeed, a better comparison for UK exports to EU is EU exports to UK. There is a lot of deliberate(?) confusion about the reality. Somewhere, I have a UKIP election leaflet that declares "Europe buys more from the UK than we sell to them" I've never quite worked out what they meant there...
  6. 950mm or 3' 1½", according to this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE_611_Class
  7. There are instructional videos available.
  8. Grasping the reality of all this is not a national pastime there. My 'favourite' conversation about it was - "We drink pints and drive miles. We should never have joined!" "How many feet in a mile?" "Oh, I don't know. About a thousand?" Of all the numbers to guess...
  9. For the same reason as, when the Americans give you a lethal injection, they use a sterile needle.
  10. Mmm, this course might cover some useful aspects for you. https://www.educationindex.co.uk/course-search/university-of-northampton/first-degree/ba-hons/dance-and-wastes-management/
  11. Of course, I should have realised that you would have your finger on the pulse of the nation's cultural zeitgeist. I have suggested to the National Gallery that they include a print of your artwork above in their current exhibition :- https://www.nationalgallery.ie/art-and-artists/exhibitions/mondrian Obviously, I have asked them to check with you first - in case the image above is not the right way up.
  12. That would be my experience of DPD on the Big Island - easily the best of the various couriers from a recipient's point of view. The predicted arrival times are such that you could almost disconnect the door bell. Few others even come close to their performance. For me, Royal Mail's 'tracking' is usually largely fictional. There will probably be local, regional and national variations in how any organisation performs, though, I suppose. A few operations may have been caught out by the sudden popularity of additional items being delivered in the current circumstances.
  13. DPD is owned by France's La Poste, I believe.
  14. Back in the 1980s, I used to supply my workmates with woodscrews, which I bought from a bloke who advertised in Exchange & Mart. They were excellent items, made in Hong Kong. He was not VAT-registered and, as the trade increased, he would keep an eye on the threshold approaching and cease trading (and advertising) for that year around January/February time - restarting for the New Year in early April.. When you were a 'regular', he would tip you off as the 'temporary end' approached, so you weren't caught out.
  15. That was what his MBE was awarded to him for.
  16. My local* model shop in Stafford has had a delivery this morning - so, I've pinched the picture off Facebook. * Well, it would be local, if I was there... https://www.facebook.com/289396587829410/photos/a.2919399044829138/2919398924829150/
  17. https://president.ie/en/media-library/news-releases/statement-by-president-of-ireland-michael-d-higgins-on-the-death-of-diego-maradona
  18. For those who may wish to upgrade their sound package.
  19. The cars would suggest later than 1963, I think.
  20. There may also be an extra prodigal son...
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