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Everything posted by warb

  1. Found out at last.Here are a few shots of older buildings I made a while back. Harmony court and ideal standard building
  2. Original photos of island villa which the previous will be based on
  3. Afew photos of the start of the houses in island villa/greenore terrace /conway court and rostrevor court
  4. Jason previous photo of irish cement silo which might help
  5. Ho Ho Ho Now for the bad news barrow street has now gone to another place regards warb
  6. David It all started seeing a photo in Michael H.C Baker book The railways of the republic of ireland 1925 - 1975 of a push pull set passing Grand Canal Street Sidings (photo 1973) which captured a scene and hit a nerve to have a go albeit modern image in the 90's onwards.(photo 1 Michael H.C. Baker) regards warb
  7. warb


    Anybody have any photo's of tara's in pearse/boston sidings? regards warb
  8. warb


    the photo above looks as it is from a slide not original and maybe this is what is distorting the picture /colour
  9. might help regards
  10. Main controls completed for barrow street with circuit breakers on each dcc section and a separate 12v line
  11. David i can only work on half the layout at one time and as with all not enough space.here are some photos of what i have up at the moment regards
  12. Thanks David. I'll try the next time. photos of completed bridge 3 ft rule applies
  13. Only soldered wires previously. tried soldering brass box section to underneath of bridge gave up and glued evergreen section
  14. KMCE don't like it. give me plywood and evergreen sheets thanks warb
  15. pedestrian bridge between building on grand canal quay. First effort soldering.
  16. Gable end complete to google buildings.
  17. warb


    Good luck with the launch tomorrow lads regards warb
  18. Final version of the footbridge installed
  19. version 2 of the pedestrian bridge
  20. Quite week on buildings for barrow street. Mock up made for pedestrian bridge to google buildings.
  21. Did I get planning permission? with difficulty
  22. front of google building complete
  23. minor works carried out including glazing fitted to ground floors
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