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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. The 1mm wire is bent at a right angle up through the tie bar from under the baseboard and then out through the front edge of the baseboard frame. I'm sure there is a small knob I can get with a grub screw that will attach to the ends of the wire.
  2. Very impressive, don't forget the chimney pots, fascia boards, barge boards and guttering. Every little bit of detail helps.
  3. Today I connected copper coated 1mm wire to some of the points in my layout using flexible curtain wire as the outer sleeve to slide inside. The wire was fixed to the underside of the baseboard with cable clips that I screwed in position. The movement of the points are sound and all I need to do is source small knobs to attach the wire. Total cost less than £1
  4. Beautiful, never seen anything so nice. I'm sure you are delighted with them.
  5. Junctionmad, good question. I was told it was migwire. I'm just wondering if I would be able to solder it. If its a poor choice, what would you choose?
  6. To be honest, the drawing is far from complete. Basically there are two parts to the wagon. The framework and the sheeting and once cut will be glued together to give the wagon depth. We don't really know the full capabilities of the machine as it is new but if it can do this sample with ease I should be able to add much more detail as I develop the drawing. I really need a detailed drawing or good photograph of the old 'single lever braking' to draw an accurate representation of this. To be honest, I have been using CAD for over 20 years so on reflection, it has been a learning curve to begin with but easy when you know how. I actually have designed many roof models for my Carpentry students here in College.
  7. Didn't get much time since last posting on the development of this drawing. Today a colleague is going to run the drawing through the laser cutter so hopefully I'll be able to report how the model parts came out.
  8. Kirley, good question. When I took this picture I hadn't yet taken a measurement of the loco clearances. Since the photo was taken I have raised the internal load-bearing wall and in effect raised the bridge to give clearance. I'm trying to think of a way of allowing the loco and wagons run under the bridge and return in the opposite direction without the need to build another baseboard - which I don't have space/nor desire to build.
  9. It probably wasn't a good idea starting to work on buildings and structures before dealing with point control but I wanted to look at all the methods of control before I jumped in at the deep end. In order that I connect my points to manual controls I will have to dismantle the baseboards to get underneath them. This is going to mean that great care will be of utmost importance. The method I am going to use is wire running inside flexible curtain wire. It is so smooth in very way and I will be soldering the wire to PCB strips that will throw the point via a piece of 1mm wire. Does anyone know if copper coated wire solders well?
  10. The 'Modellers Corner' in Enniskillen is quite good and stock most items from the Hornby, Peco and Wills range. Omagh lost its model railway shop many years ago.
  11. Low relief girder bridge at North side of Omagh. Used a sheet of plasticard to block out background fixtures in room for the photograph.
  12. Well, actually I am there all day at the College. However, I can slip away for a couple of hours. If there was a shop that would suit.
  13. Anyone know if a model railway shop exists in Portadown. I'll be there Friday and could pass an hour or two......
  14. Eoin, sometimes the obvious is staring you in the face and it takes someone to give you a good kick up the ass! Thanks, it looks great.
  15. Anyone got 4mm scale letters they are not using for my name board - need the letters OMAGH - please. This would save me the trouble of buying full sets for 5 letters.
  16. Once I have connected my points to manual operation I wanted to start ground cover and ballast. What material would you suggest I use in the goods yard area where there would be nothing other than earth thats been trampled over and saturated in oil etc. Is there a scatter material I should use or a paint?
  17. I don't imagine so, not sure. I will message Selwyn today and arrange for him to visit.There are a number of GNRi men still in Omagh whom I know.
  18. Scratchbuild lineside huts in Omagh. The Permanent Way store, the Carpenters store and a Nissan hut that stored all sorts. Worked from photographs in collection.
  19. I've decided not to use my modellers liberty and bring the footbridge forward, so its been scrapped. Bringing the footbridge closer also requires me to scratch build the water storage tank and gentleman toilet. I built these on another layout 30 years ago so we don't need to go there again. Instead, I'm staying on plan and doing the North road bridge (in low profile) and then focussing on point control. Once thats out of the way, i'll ballast the track. No more buildings, then set some cash aside for GNRi wagon stock.
  20. Thanks for that. Here is one of only two colour pictures I have of the footbridge in Omagh. Would I be right in saying that the ironwork on this bridge was green and that the corrugated panels cream thats been weathered. Any other comments welcome
  21. Great two days spent in Dublin, trip on Enterprise was fantastic and I also managed to visit MARKS MODELS which really impressed me. It was bitter cold but thats Ireland.
  22. Going down to Dublin on the train via Portadown. So sad that I'm not starting the train journey in Omagh but thats history! Can anyone recommend any good model railway shops where I might pick up something GNRi.I'll be there till Friday though I don't expect shops to be open then.
  23. To create a scenic break I am scratchbuilding a footbridge to run across the platforms at Omagh. This construction is quite easy to do from plasticard, corrugated plastic and platicard strips to resemble the iron work. The criss-cross angle iron is quite unique and I was wonder what width these strips should be approx.
  24. I have returned to this thread as I need to start seriously working on my point controls. After many weeks of research I am convinced that I am not going to spend the money needed to electrify ten points on a small shunting layout, its money that will be hidden under the baseboard and could be used with better effect above the baseboard. I have found to date that curtain wire and a wire insert is the most effective means of providing a 'push and pull effect'. Andy's method of connecting the rods to the paintwork and switching is also my preferred method. I'm carrying out a few tests today with various types of wire and then I'm going to have to start work.
  25. Will do Nelson. Have to sit down tonight and study the single brake lever system and draw it too. Will keep you posted.
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