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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. See link. https://www.marklin-users.net/forum/posts/t39090-ATTENTION-ATTENTION--COLLECTION-STOLEN If you seen any came in Ireland, Just contact me to pass on to ocram63_uk.
  2. 60 years since Fermanagh railway closed. The steam traction roller will be on road -
  3. Yes, MK2 Buffet in service until late 1997. https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1530&bih=738&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=nir+mk2+buffet&oq=nir+mk2+buffet&gs_l=psy-ab.3...13747.19439.0.19926. See first two images. Now own by RPSI as Green livery 547(Note- one windows removed). https://www.steamtrainsireland.com/rpsi-collection/27/mk2-dining-car-547
  4. Roco/fleischmann in trouble again, Turnover 46m Euro (2015 - 53m Euro) http://www.nordbayern.de/wirtschaft/gesucht-kaufer-fur-modellbahn-hersteller-fleischmann-1.6528449 (Germany site). Looking for new owner or may be file for insolvency.
  5. Have you try google Street/road image? Image date 2009. I notice Good shed at back.
  6. WJ Owens shut door after 63 years business - Date 24th June 2004. http://www.independent.ie/regionals/braypeople/news/wj-owens-shuts-doors-one-last-time-27613330.html
  7. Saw a review in some August issue magazines included Railway Modeller. Well done to all IRM team!
  8. Maybe the drivers is on Holiday.
  9. Marklin 39226 digital Infotag 2017 E94 217. Only available from Marklin digital information day attend some German dealers but my favourite dealer taken one for me.
  10. Marklin Insider 2017 - 39170 BR103.1 long version with 32 functions included driver also changes with a change of the direction and Pantographs can be controller functions. Body and chassis are metal and very heavy.
  11. Latest arrive - Marklin HO 48117 Museum wagon 2017 in Tin box. Only available from Marklin Museum shop in Goppingen. Supply in Tin box.
  12. Another forum - Marklin.users forum members is unhappy about Photobucket. Can you pay $400 per year? just said no, I hope Photobucket go out of business with this strategy! Photobucket a.k.a. Sh**bucket
  13. Another similar to Lima and Motorama. https://www.amazon.it/Mac-Due-Motorama-497384-Batteria/dp/B005JRILFA (4-cars) https://www.amazon.it/Motorama-502545-Freccia-Rossa-Batteria/dp/B0130OUCSW/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys&ie=UTF8&qid=1497100406&sr=1-1&keywords=Motorama+-+Treno+Freccia+Rossa+a+Batteria+1 https://www.amazon.it/Lima-HL1401-Treno-Batteria-Frecciarossa/dp/B00NPXNILC/ref=pd_sim_21_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=P7W574KHH1YJDNM7705C
  14. Arrive from England. 30159 Heavy metal Crocodile 1996 limited edition reproduction from the 1950s model for Insider Club membership.
  15. Coming soon to UK viewers of TV is a TV show to be called 'The Biggest Little Railway in the World'. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4566462/Model-train-track-weave-record-74-MILES.html
  16. List of layouts etc attend. http://firstbangormrc.co.uk/exhibitions Scroll down to list.
  17. Marklin toyfair 2017 37871 E93 in Black livery (fantasy livery) with tin box for the 200th Birthday of Marklin founder Theodor Marklin(Born 2 April 1817) Theoder Marklin set up Marklin factory in 1859, Six years later the founder have bit of stroke, fell down the stair and died. His wife and sons keep the business run.
  18. 37836 BR050 Cab tender new tooling. LED lighting in cab and also cab tender with crew. (driver/fireman included detail pack)
  19. New tooling 39042 BR42 mfx sounds from 2017 new items.
  20. 2017 new items 39225 DB E194 Blue/cream mfx sounds with all 32 functions included remote controller coupling. Screenshot from CS2 up to only 16 functions but Marklin will update free software download 32 functions for CS2 late this year (The new CS3plus have already 32 functions).
  21. Arrive two weeks ago - add to my Collection - Marklin 3014 Re4/4 Electric Swiss Railway - Box date 1958.
  22. I have update, The exhibition manager Derek make a error on NDMRS Site but I will email him.
  23. The 2017 Exhibition will be held on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd April at Bangor Grammar School Gransha Road Bangor Co. Down BT19 7QU On Saturday the times will be from 10am to 5pm On Sunday the times will be from 1pm to 5pm LAYOUTS Dalry Road Ian Atkinson O Gauge Lego L Gauge R Vallenduuk L Gauge Road Runner-esque Les Conn G 9 Thomas Circuit Erne MRC OOGauge Jersey Bill Evans L Gauge Quarry Corner First Bangor MRC N Gauge London Underground Foyle & Londonderry MRC 00 Gauge Great Fergus Adam Keegan 00 Gauge Quarry Sidings Brian King N Gauge Ardmore Model Railway Socy Ireland O Gauge HO American Peter McVicar HO Gauge Willow Park North Down MRC OO Gauge Standfordingly Tony Ragg O Gauge Moira William Redpath OO Gauge Lego City John & Louise Snclair OO Gauge T Trak N Gauge Swindoncaster South Dublin MRC OO Gauge Lisburn Ulster MRC OO Gauge Nalchendra Warley MRC O - 16.5 unnamed D Wynne N Gauge DISPLAYS Tank Diorama Stephen Armstrong 7mm scale locos Phil Aspinwall Electric powered planes Bangor Electric Flying Club Model Aeroplanes Belfast Model Flying Club Transport Artist David Briggs Display Downpatrick & Co Down Railway Railwayana Headhunters Museum Model Aircraft IPMS (UK) Ni Junior Modellers Zone Matchstick Models Peter Harris Meccano Corlust Group MERG Electronics display Locomotive and coach Richard McLachlan Demo NI Modellers Assoc Scalextric rally track NI Scalextric Club model boats Pickie Boats Dolls House Miniatures Karen Sinclair Wargaming North Down Wargaming Group Radio Control Model Cars Ulster Model Car Club Die Cast Buses and Trams Maurice Wilson Demo loco building Raymond Wilson TRADE Models,Scenic & Ass Joe Barlow display/photographs Belfast & Co Down Railway Trust Railway Buildings Dawson Hall Sales kits ,videos D&E Videos/DC kits Scenics All Scale Models Trains Chris Dyer Diecast Models Roy Henderson books badges etc Irish Steam Pres Soc electronics Andy Lowe Electronics Various model Marks Models Baseboards const Model Rail Baseboards Models/scenics Modellers Nook Second railway stock North Down MRS Irish wagons Provincial Wagons Metal Soldiers Dioramas Warren Rainey Car lorries Truck & Rally Crs Model accessories Edward White Irish outline OO Wagons Irish Railway Models
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