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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. Every now and then I change the stock on my layout completely over to British rolling stock to enjoy my little collection of models. Hope someone enjoys.
  2. The handrails shouldn’t be damaged if the model is handled correctly. Lifting the model by the fuel tank is the proper way to handle. If we want finely detailed models we have to handle appropriately.
  3. 33 seconds into this video you get the classic Class 80 horn sound! My home station for almost 40 years
  4. Just recently completed a GSV using these brass overlays. https://www.mousa.biz/fourmm/coach/sides/CIE/cie_sides4.html#cie-mk-1-steam-heat-boiler-van The end result can be seen in this video
  5. Ok here goes. Firstly one word of caution is that this worked ok for me on my layout with a minimum radius of 24inches. Cut off coupling mount from the locomotive’s bogie. Then take the valance in the detail pack and cut a small slot. Then glue a NEM coupler pocket to the back of the valance in line with the slot. Once the glue is dried fit the Kadee NEM style coupler. Then fit to loco. I haven’t glued this to the loco and so far haven’t had any issues. Hope the photos make this all clear. Total time 30 minutes both ends.
  6. 3173 is a Bachmann Mk1 with brass overlays fitted and sprayed with BR maroon and transfers fitted from Railtech. Still work required to beef up the underframe. It’s more a model to represent the van rather than an accurate model with exact details. Here’s a link to the brass sides. https://www.mousa.biz/fourmm/coach/sides/CIE/cie_sides4.html#cie-mk-1-steam-heat-boiler-van Thanks for the positive comments
  7. Yes I have modified them. Would you like photos of how I did it?
  8. Hornby do make some great models. As for quality the only locomotive I can judge is their class 50. I have had them since the first ones were released in 2002/03. Eighteen of them later and have never had a problem. All of them are run regularly and they are super smooth and quiet and will pull 50 coaches if you have the room. They don’t meet the latest lighting functions you can find on recent releases but they are a good sound model. Hornby do make a range of models to suit different budgets but an example is the Class 66. I wouldn’t entertain buying one but I do know that a local modelshop that sold bucket loads recently with all the different liveries released. Everyone has a desired standard and thankfully we are all different!
  9. These wagons again certainly look impressive. Congratulations to all at IRM. I am trying hard to resist and will just have to purchase another A Class with the cash before I weaken !! Its great that the Irish model scene has so many options now.
  10. V3.5 with Baby GM soundfile installed from Mr SoundGuy for sale with speaker. £40 plus postage. Please note that this speaker or any other 100 ohm speaker must be used with a V3.5. Only selling as I’m upgrading to the new version of the sound decoders.
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  11. Thanks. They are not 100% pro typical but I picked them up a few years ago cheap so they will have to do!
  12. NIR 8113 heading out of Ballyercall with a ballast turn.
  13. I was just down in the Cotswolds for a short break and came across to Kings Sutton to see a Class 68 in action. Really nice location, quiet and lots of parking.
  14. Thanks to everyone for the support.
  15. I think it might have been 071 and 078 in the grey release.
  16. Here’s a little quote from RMWeb made by our IRM friends! A hint of things to come! Fran 6,067 Posted 1 hour ago They mainly went on the backs of HGVs but were transported for a time on flat wagons. We don’t do the appropriate wagon yet...
  17. Busy Saturday morning awaits at Ballyercall NIR 112 and IR 078 awaits the run to Dublin Connolly.
  18. I have always removed numbers from Murphy Models by just heavy rubbing with a wooden cocktail stick occasionally dipped in some IPA. Start in the centre of the number until you see the print starting to lift.
  19. Would love a rake of IR MK2d’s. Count me in for 7.
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