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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. There is certainly a photo of that occasion in a book.
  2. Some funding relief for a few months. Keep up the good work.
  3. OK as I have been experimenting with the Liner wagon bogies I just thought I would share my findings. For the last few days I have been running with the 10 wagon set with no modification other than removing the black axle cover at the bottom of the bogie side frame. Then very gently putting a small puff of Kadee 231 dry graphite powder in the area of the axle uncovered and then replacing the cover. With this method even the Murphy Models Baby GM’s can easily start and pull the rake of 10 wagons. I have never had any derailment issues either pulling or pushing but I have large radius point work and 24inch radius curves. Really happy with my purchases now that I have a solution and have been running for 5 days without any issues.
  4. Firstly thanks for your comments. The scenic part is only approximately 15foot by 18inches. It is in 5foot modules after learning a lesson of having to destroy a previous layout due to a house move. The sound decoders are all ESU V4 and V5 with my own soundfiles created through free downloads from the ESU website. Number 19 Kadees. Thanks for your interest.
  5. Ballyercall Liner
  6. Looks promising! https://irishrailwaymodels.com/collections/gypsum-ore-wagons?view=view-48&grid_list=grid-view
  7. Happy new year to everyone. Exciting one ahead with all the new motive power scheduled.
  8. Tara’s don’t do holidays
  9. Can I just say that with one small drop of plastic compatible oil per axle I found the following haulage results, please note I purchased 10 wagons. Murphy 201 10 wagons all loaded. No issues Murphy 141/181. 10 wagons 8 loaded 2 empty. No issues but another container caused spinning start Murphy 071 All 10 wagons plus 12 bubbles no issues
  10. I wonder is it something to do with the brown paint. Is it an extra layer of paint applied over black bogies? Is the extra paint application enough to reduce clearances at a critical point therefore causing friction? Just my thoughts. I would also say the performance of the axles show a very marked difference over the Taras, which certainly on my set are free running.
  11. Happy Christmas everyone and thanks for your kind comments on Ballyercall
  12. Some scenes from Ballyercall!!!
  13. Great wagon lads. I would be interested in flats without containers as I already have a good collection of containers. I found this oil and running helped to improve the running immensely.
  14. NIR Hunslet 102 in charge of the Liner this evening!
  15. C Rail containers are really nice and if you have seen any of my videos recently posted I have already some different ones fitted to the wagons. Just a straight swap. I like their Freightliner containers and these were seen fairly frequently on the cross border liners / freight.
  16. Here you go. It’s a couple of these from this range. Found in a lot of model shops as well as direct. No connection just a happy customer. https://www.art-printers.com/product-list/hills-dales
  17. Thanks for you comment and praise but, Actually I haven’t done any additional weathering to 183! This model is one of the original factory weathered models by Murphy. What I done then was to take a rag with a drop of Isopropyl Alcohol on it and rub away the weathering until I achieved a result that I am happy with.
  18. The evening Bell Liner
  19. 19’s but I am also trying other options!
  20. Just something slightly different!! I thought you were going to say the mix of couplings!! I am experimenting!!
  21. 071 departs Ballyercall with the Liner.
  22. I thought so. Irish freight seemed to have only one colour of paint for about 30 years!
  23. Yeah. I do thing the black bogies are nicer but are they correct? Not sure!?
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