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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. 156 makes heavy work of departure
  2. Love it, great modelling.
  3. Sunday evening service
  4. It’s an esu loksound with a sound file downloaded for free from their website.
  5. 156 departs with the bubbles
  6. Short video of the bubbles arriving.
  7. Happy Christmas everyone. Keep up the info Noel. Happy new year too.
  8. Short video of 8113 arriving.
  9. NIR takeover bid. 8113 arrives with an RPSI special as 112 waits to depart with the Tara’s.
  10. Sunday rest for freight services.
  11. 084 arrives at BALLYERCALL with a Friday evening commuter service.
  12. NIRCLASS80


    These wagons are superb. Just love them.
  13. I can remember one of the 071's failing in Derry and being recovered by another engine, may well have been one of NIR's 111's. Went round to Killagan on a frosty winter's night and you could hear the howl of the engine on full throttle 10 mile away on Ballyboyland bank just outside Ballymoney with the full timber and dead engine in tow. Needless to say the lot came through Killagan like a bat out of hell!!! Best memory of the Big GM in full throttle I ever had.
  14. As a Train mad kid I once stayed all night with the crossing keeper at Killagan (between Ballymoney and Ballymena) during 1981. The Up goods past at around 10.30pm and the Down goods past shortly after 3am. Powered by Class 70 DEMU's in both directions. The Up was a decent length but the Down was about 3 wagons. I remember then sometime around 1983 a Down fertiliser train of 10 wagons with NIR GM passing Killagan around 8.30pm. By this time I never remember seeing any other freight on the Derry line other than the very occasional fertiliser and even remember an Irish rail A Class hauling one. Then there was a short period of timber trains late 1990's or early 2000's bringing Irish Rail 071 haulage to the Derry line
  15. Some photos of the Tara’s at Ballyercall.
  16. Sorry video ain't working
  17. NIRCLASS80


    Yes, just between two and works fine but my sharpest radius curves is 22 inches.
  18. There used to be a excellent tutorial on fitting chassis mounted Kadees, has it been removed??
  19. Irish signals, fantastic!
  20. You may as well have my bank account soon!!
  21. Evening service about to commence!
  22. Final basic scenery completed. First service had to be a ballast.
  23. Haven’t heard anything recently. 112 on RPSI duties at Ballyercall. Another boards basic scenery done.
  24. It's good to see that your trying to get the colours for the Class 80 correct already! Looks great.
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