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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. Was there any information on how the Murphy 121 is coming along?
  2. What about us all begging Oxford to include the Irish options in the body moulds so that we could have great Mark 3's, with great cravens, with great ballast wagons, with great cement bubbles, with great 071's,201's,141's,181's,121's hopefully soon and what ever other IRM projects are announced soon!!
  3. If they are weathered to the standard of the Dapol Silver Bullet Slurry wagons then I would happily buy them. Keep up the good work.
  4. Best way is to listen to the various EMD/GM sound files and pick the one that gives you the sound you think is right for the loco. Sound is so subjective that the best way to pick is please your own ear! Its your model railway!
  5. FT versions can be easily created using the suitable engine sound from the North American selections. These sound files are fantastic quality, a real move forward since the release of the original Murphy Sound files.
  6. You are all doing just great, plus it will give us some time to save!!
  7. Hint, Hint!!
  8. ESU have recently introduced an option called "Full Throttle" to there North American range of sounds. These can be downloaded and the Irish horn and station announcements edited onto them using the ESU Lokprogrammer. I have done this and the engine sound is terrific. See the video in post number 11.
  9. Yep what???????????????
  10. What about project 3??
  11. I would love to see container flats or fertilizer bogie wagons myself but I'm sure we will buy whatever the projects are if they are as good as the ballast wagon!!!
  12. Great to see things progressing. Ballast wagons 98%, Bubbles now 90%, Project 3 25%, and Project 4 5% underway. Super time to model Irish railways, I will certainly be selling some North American stock.
  13. MM0111 had a running number of 111. MM0112 is missing off the list and I don't think any of the 201's were ever weathered. Great list and thanks.
  14. Thanks for the info on Kadees. I think that is easy enough fix.
  15. Have the NEM pocket height been checked for Kadee coupling use??
  16. Great job, well done lads, now get them painted!!!
  17. Great stuff. Irish railway modelling never had it better and lets hope things just keep getting better.
  18. The great thing about using ESU common sound files is that you don't have to pay for each loco's sound file. You can simply load it into the chip using the ESU Lokprogrammer and even update and modify the sound according to your needs.
  19. Just recently ESU loksound have upgraded lots of there GM engine sound files for the american market. I took one and edited it to include irish 071 horn sound file and it sounds great with the new feature called full throttle. Sadly I cannot video it as I am in the middle of a house move but as soon as I get a chance I will. I think you will like it and the engine sounds are also available for the 121's.
  20. Exciting stuff!!!! If this sort of announcement had been made by a British Model Train manufacturer on a forum we would have at least 30 pages of guessing, fighting, arguing and finally condemning the manufacturer for ever making an announcement in the first place!!!! OK I will start the guessing game. 1.Bogie Fertilizer wagon 2.Cement Wagon 3.NIR Class 80 (DREAMING)
  21. looking good. Great work from you lads. I think a big thanks is in order.
  22. The Belmond Hibernian will not be travelling north of Belfast for this year anyway.
  23. As Dirty Harry would say "Go ahead, Make my Day!!":)
  24. Looking good, cannot wait. Any word of you announcing NIR Class 80's as your third project???
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