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    Model Irish Railways


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  1. Thankyou, B113 and B114 has been added
  2. hi all, with new and future IRM locos coming online, I decided to shove old stock to the back of the unkept testing part of the layout. Does anybody have a list in order of what locos were on the Inchicore sound barrier? i believe the first loco on the Houston end was a bent buffer beam 040 or 060 A class, but how many Sulzers were on it and in what order? Even better, any video footage anywhere? Thanks
  3. A girl I was dating at the time worked the trolley on that train, and was also on the Cravens derailment by Ferrybank in Waterford a few years later
  4. Well, its just that I couldn't build a sand castle never mind a 3D printed model lol
  5. looking forward to seeing this BUT hoping IRM will do a 8101/8301 someday...
  6. 036.mp4
  7. I agree but I have seen at least 4 different videos with 201/141 or 141/201s combinations, maybe thats a hilly line
  8. I seen quiet a few times in old CIE youtube IRRS videos what appears to be a 141 and a 201 hauling a train in multiple, especially on the Dungarvan line. Was this a practice when two 121s or two 141s wasn't available??
  9. Give it 4 weeks than there will be nobody to help anybody
  10. K801

    Shop question

    Thank you. Before I could purchase both Accurrascale and IRM models on the same site so they would all be shipped together to the USA, is that not the case now and I have to place two separate orders now?
  11. Can you still buy Accurascale models on IRM and IRM models on Accurascale? apologies if I missed a change or something.
  12. Are all 071s/111s still in service Have any become a parts donor?
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