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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. A 201 is heading back to Cork now this am. Just passing Fota @ 1031hrs. Now to do a bit of work
  2. Just seen a Black 071 hauling a set of Cravens back to the City. Not sure what the occasion is.
  3. A quick check of the book Parting Shot by Norman Johnston reveals a Couple of photographs of Orange Cements and they are exactly like that, Very light coating of cement dust. . Most likely only on the rails a short while.
  4. ah ha the pennys dropped! Imagine weathering 500 odd of those...blimey!
  5. If It adds STG20 a wagon (as per his website) then Pristine will do here. I imagine bulk would be a bit cheaper. Factory weathering does not really cut the mustard. You could retire Early with the prices being charged on the Mercig site:confused: Must get a 71 myself next.
  6. Sound decoder wise, I'd go for the Murphy Models sound decoder. It's a Loksound but I find they perform better. I had both, I got rid my Murphys ones as the Soundguys one just sounded much better. Performance wise well they both did the same thing (this was before the Realdrive came in and I have not got one of those yet).
  7. Quality stuff. The Coaches look Superb.
  8. Just onto Mark there and it is still DCC fitted with directional headlights.
  9. check post 41 here to see what this was like when the model was received, hopefully the pics work. heres a pic from the old forum.
  10. Have this one on the go right now. Nice Pressie for the Birthday from the father. Hope to have a smoke Genny installed once I figure out the wiring as I need to have it the fan wired to the throttle to produce smoke once the throttle is raised. Every thing is placed right not and not glues expect for the wooden bow plate.
  11. Should be DCC'd and Head lights as well. Mark is tumbling headlong into O gauge hence the sale!
  12. Look at Youghal!!, Every Saturday I drive past that place imagining the droning of 141, 121s on the turntable and the hussle an bussle of the Holiday traffic. so sad to see it as it is now. I would be happy to see a unit going down there just to see the line back in action but it will never be the same.Most likely the old station building would remain fenced off cause the cracks all over it and a bus shelter put up.
  13. RR, Try a 1 - 2mm Washer between the Bogie and the Frame, I find it Improves the running. The brass ones supplied enables the bogie to catch the side frames. Nice work too. I would have me fingers stuck together no doubt.
  14. Paudie, Can you bring the T/penny one down to Camden, Might be interested in that bud.
  15. Planes, Trains, RC Boat Pond. Plastic Kits, Diecast, Reenactors and Enactoresses and traders. Great day last year, piccys here: http://irishscalemodeller.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2818 Much more than a model show. Come see the Secret Passages etc. http://www.camdenfortmeagher.ie/
  16. CIE gave me rates for containers to Cork back in the 2000's, These would arrive Dublin port and be transported by rail to Cork. I was all excited till I saw the Rates. Completely out of kilter and not competitive with road. Container trains to Cork pointless as we have feeder Vessels into Cork from Rotterdam that the Truckers collect and deliver around the Munster area. There would be no point in Railing these from Dublin to Cork as it would mean extra time and cost. Why don't you get your containers to come into Cork Port and not Dublin? It would be great if this did happen as I have a Fab view over the Marina from the office but as it was said earlier on it most likely is all PR Spin.
  17. check out the F-22 At IAT , Excellent display when we were there. The Tiffie looks tame compared to it!! the '58s were always a Sexy beast.
  18. 2 things for Me -- VIGGEN & DRAKEN !!! Cricky looks like a Fair bit of a Walk from the Station to Schools road, Cant see the Missus and sprogs doing that!! 1.5 hours walk to and from the prom. We'll see.
  19. Excellent, Thats the Airshow weekend so will be able to make that now!! Sweet. http://brayairdisplay.com/
  20. LOL, Thats Funny.
  21. That belmond loco, Is that colour scheme the actual finished Article?
  22. With you on that one. Plus no VAT on Purchases if they go out of the EU. Potential Saving there also once Revenue don't catch your stuff coming in.
  23. Heard from the Lads it was due to the Steam being allowed to only take 5 coaches out of Cork.They had to drop a coach for the Steam to take the train out of Cork on the Saturday. Some great sights and sounds to be had over the weekend.
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