Had a Fab day yesterday, Some Quality layouts, The O gauge was superb, that Western was only sublime along with the class 25..Need more steam locos on it though!! Gerrys GWR layout was fab to along with some other cracking N gauge exhibits, The new Wexford Layout based on the wexford line was smashing. Lovely Ship Models and some Excellent Aer Corps Models on display.
Picked up my Baccy E4 from the old boss and Seamus Tempted me with some good bargains on Presflows and Conflats at the pre baccy prise rise cost, Also got tempted to pick up the Hornby Suburban Schools set!!
Piccy of my little hovel for the day, Thanks for the many people who called by with some nice comments. Cant wait for next year and congrats to all who keep the momentum going!!
Hope fully there will be some drone footage surface at some stage.