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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Being held in Clon by the Garrison Model Club in the Model Village, West Cork. Date: Sunday 19th June 2016 1200-1700hrs. Model trains, Plane, Helis, Boats , Farm, Military Vehicles, Dioramas, Trade Stands, Demonstrations and much more. for More information contact Brendan Buckley on 087-3799965 or Donie Walsh 086-8110231
  2. Lads, Seen a flyer for this, any one go to last years one? Saturday 30th April, Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow, Co. Laois Over 500 lots for Auction, with entries now being accepted for Details cnt: 077-42670023 Kevin
  3. I did not take any as I have hit the 10 year mark with Pc Kaput, Laptop Kaput, Camera Kaput.....have not got the will to replace them But at the risk if being cheeky there are some pics here: http://irishscalemodeller.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3092&sid=3742fe85802d7fde5af42743d80242b0 We will need to review next years one as the costs are too great and the show this year did not cover the outgoing expenses despite a large number of visitors again. With an relative Explosion of shows now in Cork with one in Clonakilty June, Fort Camden in August and a Diecast one in the Airport hotel and other around the county have kind of diluted traders and exhibitors. We will have to sit down and see what direction to take.
  4. yep, thanks for supporting it lads. I was an enjoyable day. If only I brought the Apt in, What a sight that would of been on your track demo layout!! Ah well.
  5. Thats a lovely well proportions loco and the model has come on Very nicely. Would not look out of place on the SECR with a nice shiny dome.
  6. Inerior is cool Alrite, already lads on RMWEB looking to Spruce it up!. The Only gripe I would have is the gap between the nose moulding and the main body, its way to pronounced but I am sure the boffins that created this tried to do all they could to eliminate it. I wondered about filler but don't have the guts!
  7. LOL, There not glued on thank God!!! That would be a Tad Difficult to fix! the Tensions are way to Cruel visually.
  8. when do the tickets go on sale? and of course some test runs to carryout as well so loads of photos. Loads of action for the lad up the top of the country then.
  9. here the latest on the ploughs. Weather the roof last night. Glazing next.
  10. Also don't throw away the UPS pouch it has the Limited Edition Cert in it. My yoke was number 123!
  11. Well in my excitement to get out of Work with my new toy train I left it under the desk but it was neverously unwrapped last night and my go what a package. I cant fault any of it really. Manage to get the 4 cars together without much hassle. The lights are cool and the car lights may need dimming down. ran the unit around on my embarrassing track and the sound was great, Love the Jet noise! She ran nice and smooth from the start in both directions for a few laps and she was carefully put back in to the box. gonna have a nice read tonight of the book that came with it!! Was it worth the money, Yes for sure. all the best.
  12. Poor thing. Sad to see this happen.
  13. Fraid the ol lap top is down but I try tonight anyhow to do so and stick em up tomorrow if I manage to get it past the missus. Some Production though the box alone is just sublime! One on Ebay nearly at the £600 pounds mark!! 747 euros. Could I be tempted to flog it for a few more Bulleid Pacifics!!
  14. Nada WB. UPS just dropped the box to me a few mins ago, No tracking info. Cant want to hear this roar!!!
  15. Trembling now, UPS Called, A Box has just appeared on my desk with APT-E on the side!!!! Oooh. Roll on 1730hrs.
  16. Cheers, It was the Airbus Factory we are going to Hamburg for really. The Train set will get a visit too!!
  17. Hi Lads, I was taking to Sean Ryan about all things German and he mentioned this model show Intermodellbau, Dortmund This happens to be on in Germany when I am in Hamburg, Anyone been to it before and any tips to take it all in would be appreciated. cheers George.
  18. I must admit I enjoyed the Show, Some lovely Layouts on display, Some nice Bargains to be had also. Spent about 5 hours there, Did not help that I forgot to add the extra hour to the timepiece!! I hope the Monday had a good turnout as it was well deserved.
  19. Surprised there is even a bid on this TBH. I have one in the loft, might try Ebay or file it in the bin. Spose some fellows hanker after the old days...
  20. Well I though this was something I could look at in my shed at some stage although I would like something like Swanage as my middlepart as a seaside Terminus and keeping the point etc down to a min due to cost. I was thinking of Starting the middle first as a removable exhibition piece and seeing how I get on from there. The other issue I would have is the gradient especially as I have a lot of Steam suff which wont go up the slightest gradient unless banked or double headed. Hope you start something on this as it does look fab.
  21. FYI: An update on an offer from one of the Attendees at the Fair. Some great tools to be had from RB, See link below. No just for Plastic builders. RB Productions will have a stand at the Cork Model Fair. We can offer a 10% discount on pre-orders for collection at the Fair. Customers can pay for the pre-orders at the show. To pre-order please use the shopping cart as usual, choose "IBAN" as a payment method and choose and choose "Store Pick-up" as the shipping method. Please note that we will have a very limited number of Zoukei Mura kits at the fair. See you there! http://www.radubstore.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=77&zenid=da60e6e3d48255eb249d2b526a8e7aae
  22. Attendees so far listed below: Irish Scale Modeller - Large Exhibit of Irish modellers showcasing their hard work - Plastic Kits of a scales and types. Dermot Allen - Model Railways Trader Flor Hurley - Plastic Kits trader David Moore - Plastic Kits Trader Vincent Russell / George Norman Plastic Kits / Books / Model Railway Joe OToole - N gauge Model Railway Decs Model Garages http://www.decsmodelgarages.com/page_1.html Atlantic Model Boat Club - RC model Boats RB Productions (inc Max Decals): http://www.radubstore.com/ Model Rail Baseboards: http://www.modelrailbaseboards.com/default.html Diecastmodels4u http://www.diecastmodels4u.ie/ M&M Diecast Models: http://mandmdiecastmodels.com/crane-diecast-models.html Roy Mckay – Diecast and Bespoke Model Cars Stephen O’Mallay – Model Railways Seller Proninsias – Plastic Model Cars Stephen Rogers – Plastic Model Kits Garry O’Brien – Military Memorabilia Cian O’Grady – Model Railway Layout Leo Spillane – Diecast Cars Trader Jim Dooly – Exhibit ofArmour Kits Kevin Finlay – Diecast Models Kevin Parsins – Exhibit of Model Kits Darell Maloney – Exhibit of Irish Military Models Bobby Begin – Model Display Liam Walsh – Model Display Michael Clark – Diecast Mark Dunlee – O gauge Model Railway Kevin Meany – N Gauge Model Railway with Tablet control Demo Peter Subaroman – Model Car Display and building demonstration Spud + Leo – Armour kits Brian Walsh – The Hobby Den Trader of Model Kits Owen O’Callaghan – Cork Model Aero Club Radio Control Aircraft display Jack Dziworski – http://www.allscalesmodels.com/shop/Buildings Marks Models Brenden Buckly - Armour display IPMS Dublin ( maybe) Stephen Fitzpatrick – Model Kits trader Derry O’Keefe Models & More trader
  23. David, Good spot, Heller D-6 Securite Civil Dc-6B. Started it in 1988 would you believe. Got it in a Model shop in Limerick for a £10 way back int the day. She is now in Grey primer for the last 6 months as I need a to tidy up the windows.
  24. thanks, Des can take a bow for the Details Really, I did not add on anything extra.
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