Wow, What a turnout today at the Fair, Loads of bargains again to be had in all Aspects, Even say a Few of the Dubs around the hall taking a Chance with the Team top on!!
Des of course managed to open my wallet for a couple of items, Phone box, Plough Vans, phone box, and some Flats, Glendergs example on display was exquisite! Also a Shin Meiwa PS-1 US-1A Flying Boat for 15 sponds, Sweet!! Also sold about 350 quids worth.
The Traders seem to have a good time and sold quite a bit despite being up against the private tables!!
Eoins Dart was down the deep south, What a model, of only the Cobh line had OLE and Dave megabox signals just below me away! I believe he well be turning into a TV Celeb shortly!! Watch this Space
Thanks to all for supporting it.
I had my own little stand at it to and this sums up the day for me!!